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- Melbourne's POV -

After agreeing to have a chat with Hugo I nodded at him to join me on the daybed. He sat next to me and got comfortable under the covers.

He looked at me with a slight smile.

"How are you feeling?" He asks. "I'm sure it's been overwhelming, this is such a new experience for all of us." He said fiddling with his fingers.

"I'm actually doing quite well" I said giving him a reassuring smile. "I'm also really happy that I got chosen by one of the only boys I stepped forward for" I said looking him in the eyes.

"No complaints from me either" he says smiling, allowing his dimples to pop out.

"I want to learn more about you though, What do you do on the outside?" He asked.

"I'm a professional surfer in California" I said and saw him get excited by my answer.

"No way!" He says ecstatically.

"I really enjoy surfing" he says which makes me smile.

"So I take it you know how to surf?" I ask him.

"I'd say I know the odds and ins but definitely not like miss pro over here" he says as he nudged me.

I laugh at his remark and asked him what he does for a living.

"My occupations gonna sound silly now compared to yours" he says shaking his head.
"I'm a bartender down in Nashville" he says playing with his fingers again.

"So what you're saying is you'll be making the drinks in here" I say while sitting up.

He laughs and sits up next to me.

"I came here to get a break from work, not work even more!" He says in a jokingly tone. "But yeah, seems like it." He says glancing over at the other islanders.

"Out of all the guys," he said. "Who are your top three?"

"Well obviously you" I said smiling. "But if you mean apart from you I would say Vinnie and Maverick." Micheal seems like a nice lad but I don't see a romantic connection with him. Besides, I haven't even spoken to the other lads so right now it's solely off of looks" I say meeting his gaze. "What about you, who are your top three girls?"

"You obviously or I wouldn't have coupled up with you" he said. "But apart from you it would probably be Kienna and Sydney. But again like you said it's solely off of looks right now until we get to know everyone."

Hugo and I continued our conversation for a bit. It was nice being able to have such a flowing conversation with him, especially since we just met about and hour ago.

Sydney made her way over to the daybed.

"Mind if I steal Melbourne for a bit?" She asked Hugo.

"She's all yours" he says giving me a side hug and getting up to chat with the other guys in the kitchen.

"So.." Sydney says sitting next to me. "How did that go?"

"It went really well" I said. "Obviously I just met him, nothings set and stone but I definitely want to get to know him more."

"That's good, I'm glad to hear that." Sydney says.
"I'm not sure yet how I feel about Toby." She says. "Of course I find him attractive and all but I don't know if we've got that initial spark."

"Don't stress too much Syd," I say. "We've literally known these blokes for an hour. We've got a summer ahead of us to get to know so many guys" I say giving her a hug.

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