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- Melbourne's POV -

Amiah and I stepped out of the jeep and headed towards the date tables. Each table was seat up with candles, a bottle of wine and a charcuterie board. The producer directed us to which boy we were having our dates with.

"Really good to meet you beautiful, I'm Conner."

Conner was quite literally the definition of tall, dark and handsome. It was evident that he worked out too. I could see Amiah giving him glances here and then, almost like she wish she was on the date with him instead. Joey was also tall but had brunette hair and brown eyes with a lighter skin complexion. Funny enough Joey was more my type and Conner was more Amiahs type.

"Mel" I say smiling back at him and giving him a hug.

"I'm sure you know plenty about me from the show, so I'd like to get to know you." I say. "What do you do for a living?"

"I'm a brand ambassador, so I basically promote brands to my following." He says pouring us each a glass of wine.

"You must have a pretty big social media following then already?" I ask.

"About 100k, nothing too special. Hopefully I can gain some more exposer after leaving here" he says smiling.

I didn't say anything in response as I'm a little taken back by his answer. Did he come here just for personal gain?

"So you're obviously a surfer, tell me about that."

"It's a really thrilling job, I enjoy being able to spend my time doing what I love and being able to make a living out of it." I say.

"Im sure you'll get tons of sponsorships from surf brands after you leave the villa." He says taking a bite of some cheese.

"I mean if I do cool, if I don't cool. I'm already making a killing and I'm not too concerned about income, but I guess that would be pretty cool."

"Conner is very attractive, but personally I don't think our personality's are a match. He's very materialistic and I'm just not about that. Some of the things he said on the date too made me question his intentions of being here." I say in the beach hut.

Conner and I finished up our date. We didn't have too many exciting things too talk about, he just kept going on about his following and himself. I started to get a bit annoyed. I looked over at Amiah and Joey from time to time too and from the looks of it they got on decent, I'll have to check in with her later. Before getting ready to leave the date, I got a text.

"Melbourne and Amiah, you will now be swapping dates with one another."

I got up and quickly gave Conner a side hug before switching places with Amiah. As I got closer to Joey I realized just how attractive he is.

"You look really nice, Joey." I say. He gives me a smile in return.

"Shit you already stole my line, I was just gonna say the same about you!" He says.

"I'd ask you how your date with Conner went but I'll be honest I looked over a few times and could tell you didn't seem too thrilled. Luckily he didn't seem to pick up on that vibe." He says.

"Joey if I'm being honest that was one of the worst dates I've been on. He literally didn't stop talking about himself the whole time." I say laughing.

"We'll his loss my gain." He says sipping from his cup.

"Enough about my last date, how was yours?" I ask him.

"Good, Amiah is a really sweet girl and I would be interested in getting to know her more, but I feel that way about all the girls right now. Until I get to know everyone I won't be making any decisions."

"Probably the best thing you can do in here." I say. He nods

"So surely you watched the show, you know I'm a surfer but what do you do?" I ask, going over the same questions I asked Conner.

"Im a barber down in Chicago. I'm not making bank but I can give a mean haircut." He says.

I laugh. "At least you're doing something you enjoy. I'd rather do something that I love and get paid shit than do something I hate and get paid lots." I say. He nods in agreement.

"Couldn't agree more." He says. "Being passionate about what you do is hot."

I smile and roll my eyes.

Joey is a big joker, I really like that about him. He doesn't take himself too seriously and that's a big thing for me too." I say in the beach hut.

Joey and I went about our date for a little while longer, enjoying one another's company. Looking over at Amiah and Conners table I could just see the annoyance on her face, assuming from the same issues I had with him. Amiah and I both got a text that said it was time to head back into the villa.

"I've had a lovely time and would hope we could get some more time to get to know each other." Joey says.

"Absolutely, that's what we're here for." I say as we walk towards the jeep with Conner and Amiah.

- Hugo's POV -

I was nervous the entire time she was on the date. In the short period of time I had gotten to know her I really enjoyed being around her. Just the thought of someone else being on a date with her hurt. I was sitting alone up on the roof terrace when Bailey came up to join me.

"You alright?" She says.

"To be honest no." I say. "I'm just worried, she was a bit off today and hardly talked to me."

She sighs. "I shouldn't be telling you this but earlier today I happened to overhear Mel talking to Sydney. I didn't listen to the whole conversation but it sounded like Mel was crying because you guys were moving too quickly."

"For fucks sake." I say. If I was worried before I'm definitely worried now about the date. If she was feeling this way she should have talked to me, I would have understood. Now I'm just hurt.

Bailey pats my back. "Sorry you had to find out this way, but I thought I should tell you." She says.

"Thanks B. I appreciate it and I'll definitely be having a chat with her when she gets back." I say, giving Bailey a hug. Bailey sits with me in silence for a bit before heading back down to the other girls.

Sitting up in the terrace alone made me question what I did wrong with Mel. I thought everything was going fine. These thoughts of mine got interrupted by the sound of the girls returning from their dates.

Getting up quickly I made my way back downstairs to pull Mel for a very needed chat. Hopefully this won't fuck things up.

Authors note: Do you think it was fair of Bailey to tell Hugo about Sydney and Mels chat, or do you think she did it because she secretly likes Hugo? See you all next episode! Also, if you want go and check out my new story, "what happens on spring break."

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