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- Melbourne's POV-

"Mel" I hear a voice say as I open my eyes. It was Hugo. He had his arms wrapped around me

"Did I sleep in again?" I ask wrapping my arms around Hugo.

"Nah, we're all just barley getting up. I was just wondering what you'd like for breakfast"

"How cute" I say playing with his hair "I'd like scrambled eggs with toast"

"Simple, I like it" he says giving me a kiss on the forehead and leaving the bedroom to make me breakfast. I pulled myself out of bed and made my way to the dressing room before Amiah stopped me.

"Can we have a quick chat" she says nodding towards the roof terrace.

"Sure" I say following her to the terrace, unaware of what she wants to talk about.

"So what's up?" I ask, weary of her answer.

She sighs.

"I just need some advice I guess and you seemed like the best person to ask since you're the most secure in your couple" she says.

It never occurred to me that the others thought Hugo and I were so secure. I don't know why but it kind of scared me thinking that everybody perceived me being tied down to Hugo which wasn't the case. As much as I do fancy him I am definitely not putting all my eggs in his basket.

"Go on then, what's wrong?" I ask her.

"It's just that I don't know if Micheal and I have as much of a spark as I'd like there to be" she says

"What do you mean, I thought you liked him?" I ask her.

"I do like him, it's just that there isn't a spark feeling, it's like I'm talking to a friend" she says resting her head on her hand.

"It's alright to feel this way Amiah but you definitely need to speak to Micheal about it" I say. "I won't say anything but you don't want him finding out about it later from another source"

She nods knowingly "I know, and it's wrong that I've been feeling like this for a while and haven't said anything but it's just that I not only don't have a spark with him, but everyone else doesn't seem interested in me"

"Amiah to be fair you haven't put yourself out there" I say. "I know you're a reserved girl but you have to play the field to get what you want. If you fancy one of the others then you need to let them know, but most importantly let Micheal know" I say

We both stand up and she gives me a hug.

"Thank you, I'm gonna go talk to Micheal" she says heading downstairs. I make my way into the dressing room and get ready, putting on my yellow bikini

 I make my way into the dressing room and get ready, putting on my yellow bikini

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