Twenty three

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- Melbourne's POV -

We all made our way to the challenge area, and it made me realize how overflowed the villa was. There was way too many of us, which meant that a dumping was bound to happen soon.

We all sat in our designated spots in our couples, and Molly and Tate were hosting the challenge. Molly and Tate will read a tweet about one of the islanders, and in our couples we have to guess who it's about.

"Are we ready to play mean tweets?" Molly says as we cheer.

Tate then went on to read the first tweet.

"I just don't see the romantic chemistry with ____ and ____. I'm surprised they both came back single after casa amor."

"That narrows it down." I say.

"It's gotta be Bailey and Hugo don't you think?" He says. "I can't imagine it's about Sydney and Toby."

I agree with him and we lock in our answer as Bailey and Hugo.

"The correct answer is Bailey and Hugo!" Molly says.

Everyone got a point on that one, mainly because there were few couples who actually stuck, but I could tell it upset Hugo.

"Hey don't let it get to you, it doesn't mean anything" I say to Hugo who was sat at the table next to me.

He smiles briefly at me before turning his attention back to Molly and Tate.

Molly then read the next tweet.

"I think ___ is only with ___ to win. Something about her is off."

"Damn" Jaxon says. "I hope this one isn't about us."

"This is genuinely the worst." I say, and he agrees.

We ended up picking Bria and Joey as we really didn't have a clue who this could be about. Ally and Vinnie wrote Jaxon and I, and so did a few of the other couples, but what shocked and hurt me most was that Sydney and Toby wrote Jaxon and I.

"The fuck?" I say to Jaxon who is equally as shocked as I am.

"That's low" he says shaking his head

Before I can even say something to Sydney, Tate reveals the answer.

"The correct answer is Sydney and Toby!"

"Karma" Jaxon says and I laugh under my breath. Sydney seemed shocked by that answer and Toby seemed severely confused.

"That's gonna be an interesting conversation later." I say to Jaxon.

We went on for a few more rounds, Hugo and Bailey were in the lead with the most points and Jaxon and I followed not to far behind.

Tate read the last tweet.

"___ is so annoying, she could literally have anyone in the villa yet all she does half the time is cry."

Jaxon looks at me trying not to laugh

"We both know the answer" I say, as I write my own name down.

He smirks. "It's not a bad thing Mel."

"The correct answer is Melbourne!"

I cringe and laugh.

"To be fair I haven't cried since I've gotten back from casa, so maybe it's something Jaxons doing right." I say in the beach hut.

We all headed back to the villa once the challenge was over. Most of the islanders either went off to make lunch or lounge by the pool. I was in the midst of walking to the kitchen when Hugo walked up to me.

"You wanna chat?" He asks. "I feel like we haven't had the proper chance to talk since casa."

"Sure, lead the way" I say as I follow him to a daybed.

- Jaxons POV -

Maverick and I were in the kitchen making lunch for ourselves and our girls. It wasn't long until I looked up and noticed Mel and Hugo on a daybed together chatting.

"You know he's mad into her" Maverick says.

"What?" I respond.

"Dude he wasn't missing Bailey in casa, he was missing Mel. He obviously didn't say that to Vinnie but him and I chatted a few times in there and he was set on returning single to potentially recouple with Mel."

"How the fuck is this the first time I'm hearing of this?" I say

I'm not shocked that Hugo likes Mel, especially with their history in here. But what does surprise me is that he wants to couple up with her again.

"I'm not gonna worry about it, I know what we have and I know her." I say, finishing up lunch.

"In here you always gotta keep your options open, just sayin." Maverick says before walking off to go eat lunch with Bailey.

"Mavericks an odd dude. Like genuinely I don't understand how he's come this far in the villa with the mindset he has."

I decided to wait and let Mel come to me instead of interrupting her and Hugo. They chatted for about 10 more minutes and eventually she made her way over to the kitchen where I was sat.

"This looks really good." She says, placing an arm around me and kissing my cheek. I offer her a bite and she accepts willingly.

"So what's up with Hugo?" I ask her, trying not to sound jealous.

"Normal" she says. "He's a good friend in here so it's nice catching up with him."

I nod.

"Jealous" she says jokingly.

"Well I wasn't until maverick said something" I say, which surprises her.

"You can't drop a bomb like that and not say more" she says, sitting down next to me and stealing my plate of food.

"Listen, take this with a grain of salt because I don't fully trust Maverick, but he said something along the lines of Hugo wanting to couple up with you again." I say, her eyes go wide.

"Are you serious?" She said, I nod.

"Supposedly he came back single from casa not for Bailey but for you."

She nods her head in frustration.

"Why can't anyone come to me straight with this information, it's always telephone tag in here." She says.

I pull her seat closer to mine and put my arm around her.

"I don't want you worrying about it Jaxon, I'm not gonna recouple with him" she says as I rub her back.

"I know you won't, I just thought I'd give you a heads up in case he pulls you for a chat about it."

Mel and I continued hanging out for the rest of the day. It was just past sunset when someone got a text.

"Got a text!" Amiah says.

"Islanders, please get ready and make your way to the fire pit for a dumping. #FullHouse #TimeForGoodbyes"

Authors note: honestly not really happy with this chapter, it was kind of a filler chapter so hopefully my plans for the future chapters are better lol. See you next time!

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