Leah goes home and I finish my lunch before the next meeting. It takes a little longer than it should because of technical difficulties but I choose a package design for the protein range and the type of package that's going to be used. So far I am really pleased with how everything is going. I decide that's me done for the day and go home. Just as I get into the car my mum rings me again "hi" "oh so you finally answer my calls" "mum if your just ringing to shout at me for something else I didn't do then don't bother I've had one hell of a busy day" "that's not why I'm ringing Chris" "so why are you ringing? To tell me some more how much of a disappointment I am" "baby girl you're not a disappointment I'm so so sorry and I'm so proud of you. Where are you?" "On my way home" "another early finish?" "You know I still have a concussion right?" "I thought you had been cleared of that?" "No I've been cleared to drive and today I've had 3 big meetings and 3 show arounds not to mention the million emails I have gone through so yes I'm tired" "busy woman" "yep" "what you got planned for tonight?" "Taking Leah on a date" "nice I'm sure yous will have fun" "yeah we will, well I'm just pulling up so I will catch you later" "ok speak soon yeah?" "Yeah" "oh Chris?" "Yeah" "I love you" "love you too mum."

I go in the house and Leah runs jumping into my arms "ooffff Jesus, hello to you too my love" "hi, I missed you today" "I missed you too my love" I give Leah a kiss then put her down "come on let me in" "baby you look so tired are you sure you want to go out tonight" "yeah my love it's time to start wining and dining you now that I am up and about but please no more bullets or cars" "never baby, what time is Kieth coming over?" "He finishes work in a hour so just after then" "how about we take little miss for her first walk then?" "I thought we had to wait until tomorrow?" "The vet said she can go out today" "let me just put my work bag away then." We get sorted and put Bella's lead on and head to the park. I decide to let Bella off her lead "Noo it's too soon" "baby she has the best recall don't worry I would never let anything happen to her" I see Leah relax a little bit and I start running around with Bella. I turn and see Leah talking with Steph and Jordan. Steph has Calvin and Jordan has blu "Chris come over" "no your alright thanks Steph, Bella come." Bella comes running back so I give her a treat "who's a good girl, now sit, good girl" I throw a stick "fetch" Bella runs off "hi Chris" "how you doing Steph?" "Good thanks what about you?" "Yeah good" "Chris?" "You can fuck off Jordan I want nowt to do with you" "look I shouldn't have done what I did" "no you shouldn't have" "but.." "there is no buts for what you did Jordan you and Leah were not together when we met so it's not like I took her away from you I did nothing to deserve what you did to me" "I'm.." "Jordan I am going to say this with the most meaning I've ever put in any statement.. Go get hit by a double decker bus" I give Leah a kiss "I have to get back Kieth will be here soon" "ok baby I will come with you" "only if you want to" "of course I want to I will see yous later" "bye Leah" I've already started walking away but then I stop and think for a second before running back to Steph and Jordan. I give Steph a hug "it's always nice to see you Steph" "you too Chris" I go back to Leah "Bella come" she comes running over so I put her lead on her. "Did you have to say that?" "Which part?" "About getting hit by a bus?" "Your right there was so many other things I could of said but I didn't I said the nicest one out of it all" "I have to be on the same team as her both at Arsenal and England" "doesn't mean I have to be nice to her. Why do I have to be the bigger person when I was the one put through hell" "baby let's not fight please" "we're not going to fight my love plus that's not the craziest thing I've said lately" "why what's the craziest thing you said" "ok but first you can't get mad and I didn't do it to hurt you, in fact I didn't have a choice" "ok now I'm really intrigued" "I was made to go on a blind date, it was someone Freya knows from uni, Freya and Kat came with us to make sure I didn't back out. Anyways I pretended someone phoned me it was very obvious especially when I said that there was an alien invasion in the flat stealing my stuff" "oh." I look at Leah and she looks really hurt so I step in front of her holding her face "she wasn't you my love and believe me I really did not want to go I tried every way to get out of it I promise I did." "I believe you baby I can't believe actually I can believe you made up an alien invasion it's so you."

We arrive home and Kieth is waiting for us "hi kid" he gives me a hug "hi Kieth" "hi Leah you alright?" "Yeah I'm good thanks Kieth, should we go in?" "Yeah." We go inside and sit down "what's this about Kieth?" "Yesterday did you realise you called me dad?" "I did?" "Yeah, you know Chris I have no problem with you calling me dad if that's what you want, it would be an absolute honour to call you my daughter" "do you mean that?" "Of course Chris you are an incredible woman, during the worst time of your life you decided to change your perspective and opened a really successful gym instead of going further into the whole you were in and now look at you, your a business owner, your with the women that makes you so happy you are the strongest person I know, hell you've been to war I couldn't go to war I would shit myself and that's not just a figure of speech either." I have to laugh at that "I would love to call you my dad" "what do you crazy kids have planned for tonight?" "We're going on a date" "well in that case I'm going to let you's get sorted and I'm going to go home" "ok thank you for everything" "I'll see you soon kid" "I'll see you soon dad."

I go in the shower when I go into the bedroom Leah is just finishing getting ready "damn baby let's just skip to the end of the date now" "ermmm no I want the whole thing" "okkk I guess I will get ready now then." I deliberately drop my towel on the floor walking past Leah giving her a kiss "stare any harder my love you will hurt your eyes" "what you have just done is pure evil" "I'm just getting ready my love that's all." I finish getting ready then drive us to the restaurant " what do you fancy to eat tonight baby?" I give Leah a cheeky smile "food Chris food" I laugh "I'm going to get the wagyu steak I think" "ooo that does sound nice, I think I will get the carbonara" "that means your going to steal my steak doesn't it?" "Would I ever?" "Let me think about that for a moment... errrmmmmm yeah" "maybe just a taste" "mhmm if you say so, when you back at training?" "Tomorrow what are we going to do with Bella?" "She will come to work with me" "are you sure?" "Of course I can take her on walks, feed her and she is not spending all day alone" "ok but on days when we aren't going to be out all day she stays at home" "I agree." When our food arrives Leah in typical Leah fashion pinches a fair bit of my steak. She is so lucky I love her. After we finish eating I drive us to the beach we walk barefoot along the beach hand in hand "baby?" "Yes my love?" "I'm cold" hint hint give me your jacket "would you like my jacket?" "No no I don't want you to get cold" I take my jacket off wrapping it around Leah keeping my arms wrapped around her "there we go my love" "thank you, baby can I ask you a question?" "You can ask me anything my love" "when you were on the date did you kiss her?" "No the only physical contact she got from me was a handshake when I got there, baby nothing happened I promise I don't even remember her name, she spent the entire night just getting more and more drunk, the whole night I just kept thinking I want you I wanted to talk to you, hug you" I squeeze Leah "kiss you" I kiss her neck "when you hugged me on new years the first thing I did was take in your perfume, a smell I missed so much" I feel Leah grip onto my hands "I did the same baby" "that was before you pushed me on the bed and took advantage of me" "oh my god I did not take advantage of you" "I was in a fragile state and you took advantage of that" "erm I think you'll find you were on top" "hmmm yes I was my love, you know when you kissed me I nearly lost all control" "I just thought fuck it I'm going for it" "wow so romantic my love." Leah turns to face me "I spent so much time without you i couldn't go any longer without you, I was just hoping you wouldn't push me away" "never my love."

After sitting on the beach for a while we decide to go home. It was a fantastic night but as all dates should end we didn't exactly go straight to sleep let's just say I hope the walls aren't thin. But I feel like I'm back where I should be, home and home is not bricks and walls, it's not a place, home is a person, the person who makes you feel safe, wanted and loved. That's home.

Leah and her soldierМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя