33. Jet-Set Intrigues

Start from the beginning

"Bye! I hope you aren't planning to enjoy in Italy as single. May God bless you and never give you a single life."

Nidhi's playful comment triggered a clenching of my jaws, annoyance briefly flickering across my face. Stepping out of the taxi, I adorned my goggles, shielding my expressions and gaze from others.

I was wearing a black suit-pant, paired with black heels. The choice wasn't merely dictated by the directive to wear black, but rather, it resonated with my personality. In this world of shadows and uncertainties, where the spectrum of emotions needed to be concealed, black proved to be the perfect shield. It not only camouflaged my expressions but also radiated an air of professionalism.

Securing my seat on the flight, I discovered my place next to an elderly lady, the quintessential Indian auntie adorned in a saree and numerous pieces of jewelry. Considering my less-than-pleasant history with older women, this arrangement added an extra layer of discomfort to the journey.

To avoid her, I inserted my AirPods and delved into my playlist, hoping for a peaceful journey. However, tranquility was short-lived as she embarked on a series of never-ending conversations.

"Are you going to Italy?" I reluctantly removed one earpod to hear her.

"Of course," I responded with a forced, minimal smile, clearly signaling my disinclination for conversation. Unfortunately, she failed to grasp my reluctance.

"All alone?"

"Should I bring my grandma along to make your journey more enjoyable? If that's your preference, kindly book a flight to the afterlife. I don't have her complete address, so you might need to check both heaven and hell."

"Today's kids have no manners," she remarked, folding her arms in disapproval.

"What can we do, Aunty? Kids learn from their elders, and if they don't have any, then how can we?" I responded with an annoying smile, but it seemed like she was not ready to give up on engaging with me.

"And why are you heading to Italy?" She raised her eyebrows, giving me a scrutinizing look from top to bottom.

"Did you say something just now? My ears are programmed to filter out unnecessary queries." I took out my ear pod again, offering her a smile while silently gritting my teeth. Why is she playing the role of my mom? Why should I disclose that I'm going to Italy to acquire illegal items for India?

"What do your parents do?" I controlled my urge to place my gun in her in mouth.

"Everything apart from annoying strangers and poking their nose in other's life" I was not ready to give up that easily.

"Mannerless , Brat" She murmered lightly thinking I didn't heard.

What do you do? I mean, what do you study?" She gazed out the window, firing her questions one after the other.

"Study? Hahah....Oh, you know, the usual stuff. I'm a professional serial killer. In fact, I just wrapped up my latest murder, and things got a bit messy. So, I thought a quick trip to Italy would be perfect until the heat dies down. If you ever need someone out of your way, just give me a call. I'm quite skilled in that department-few stabs, a couple of bullets, and voilà, your problems vanish. I've got my trusty gun with me too. Interested in a peek?"

I offered a wide smile, playfully reaching for my pocket as if to reveal the concealed firearm. She kept mum , one look at my gun is enough to keep anyone silent and if they wishes to see it more than that,then they will be silent permanently.

"By the way, Aunty, are you carrying vodka?"

"No, no, no." She shook her heads in shock, touching both her ears with her hands.

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