Chapter 16.

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The Chase

(Taylor's Perspective)

Blue lands in the hospital parking lot. Dozens of cars are parked and ambulances's alarm blasts loudly as they drive up to the hospital trying to to the sick or hurt person inside as fast as possible.

"We made it!" I yelled excitedly.

"We did." Blue said calmly.

"Come on let's go." Blue said and we begin to walk to the hospital.

Blue looks around and it's making me worried.

"What is it?" I asked confused.

"It's so quite." Blue said looking around alert.

"Quite? We lost the devils chasing after us. I am so close to being back home." I said.

"We are. Come on let's go before something bad happens." Blue said grabbing my hand and quickly fast walking to the hospital.

"Why are we still hurrying? We are here! We did it. Nothing else bad is going to happen." I said as we walked through the parked cars in the parking lot.

"I know I just have a bad feeling. When a soul comes close back to its body more devils comes out to try to stop you." Blue said.

"They won't see me. I have my coat on." I said.

Just then the glow from my coat light dims down.

"No." I shouted and the coat stops glowing.

"Great." Blue said annoyed.

"So we are still in danger?" I asked worried.

Just then we hear a loud snarling noise.

We look back at the entrance of the parking lot and we see seven ghost wolves with glowing red eyes snarling at us.

"Run!!" Blue yelled and we both run as fast as we can to the hospital.

The wolves runs after as as fast as we can and they knock over the parked cars and they flipped high into the air crashing back down. The people and nurses at the hospital start shouting and yelling.

"Earthquake!!! An earthquake!!" They yell.

Oh you wish it's an earthquake.

We run as fast as we can into the hospital and the wolf's chase us inside.

"We have to stall them as long as we can. And we can't go to your body now because if they kill you when you are near your body you are dead!" Blue shouted as we run through the hauls of the hospital.

As we run past other rooms in the hospital filled with people in their hospital beds their medical machines go off then stop when we run by.

The wolf's run after getting closer to us and blue picks me up and starts flying faster through the hospital.

Some of the wolves goes into some hospital rooms and then we hear the sound of their heart beat monitor stopping. That sends off an alarm to the nurses and they run into the room to try to save the that person's life.

I gasp in shock,

"Blue fly faster and try to not go past the ones who are really sick. They are chasing after them as well!" I shout and blue looks back to see the wolf's going into some rooms.

"We need to get them out of the hospital!" Blue yell and flys through the hospital hauls and goes up the stairs.

We fly higher and higher up in the hospital and the wolves get closer to us.

Blue opens a door and we are now on the roof of the hospital. Blue puts me down and quickly closes the door.

"What now!?" I yell

"I don't know." Blue said.

Suddenly the wolves on the other side of the door starts banging and screaming loudly wanting to get on this side. The door starts to open slowly from the strong force of it being knocked down.

"Stand back!" Blue yelled and her eyes are shinning bright blue and her hands are glowing blue as well.

What is happening??

I stand far away from her and Blue stands in front of the door with her fists clenched her hands glowing bright blue ready to attack.

The door breaks down and the wolves comes running through.

Blue screams and puts her hands out in front of her and bright blue lights shines from her hands shinning onto one wolf and it yelled out in pain and suddenly discovered.

More comes running through the door and surround Blue. They growl at her and get closer to her.

One charges at her and Blue puts her hands out in front of her making the blue light shine out hitting it and the wolf disappeared.

Two charges her at one and Blue puts her hands out in front of them shinning the blue light on them and they disappeared.

The last big wolf growls at Blue and runs to Blue. As it gets closer to her Blue puts both hands out in front of her shinning the blue light on the big wolf making a bright blue light.

I cover my eyes from how bright the light is and it gets dark again.

I open my eyes to see Blue standing in front of me. I walked up to her and hugged her.

"You saved me. Again." I said.

"It's my job." Blue said

"Thank you." I said.

"You're welcome." Blue said.

"Come on. Let's get you back home now." Blue said and we walked into the hospital.

Author's Note.

Thoughts? This story is almost finished!! Only two chapters left! Please vote and comment.


Heaven Sin Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang