Chapter 2.

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(Taylor's Perspective)

I see myself laying on the table being worked on by the doctors and nurses.

This is weird.

I'm I dreaming?

I'm I dead?

I'm I having an out of body experience?

No that only happens in the movies.

Does it?

Does this really happen when you die?

I see the doctors and nurses putting nettles and tubes into my body.

I - I have to be dreaming.

This isn't real.

I pinch my arm. Strangely I feel nothing. I look down a my arm.

I can see threw my arm!

I look down at my body.

I can see threw my body!

Not were you can see you're insides and stuff. But I can see threw my clothes that I have on.

Like in Disney's Hocus Pocus where Thackery breaks the witches spell and turns back into a human but he's all sparkly kinda and he's a little bit see threw?

I'm like that kinda.

What? If I can see threw my body then am I a ghost?

Ghost aren't real. Are they? If they aren't then why am I here?

Shouldn't I be going to heaven right now? Am I going to heaven? Shouldn't I be seeing a bright light that takes me to heaven? Or angels flying down to carry me up? Or am I not going to heaven? I'm I going to hell? Are demeans going to pop out of the ground and drag me down to hell?

The doctors are still working on me. They can fix me. What if they can't?
I walk over to them.

"Hello?" I said to them. No one answers.

"Hello?!?" I shouted louder. Still no one answers.

"Answer me!!" I shouted.


Just then the machines started beeping.

"Her heart is stopping." one of the nurses said.

"What?!" I yelled.

More doctors come running into the room to help.

There shouting medical terms that I don't understand.

Seven hours goes by and there still trying to help me.


The heart monitor stops.

"NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!" I shouted.

The doctors puts down there equipment.

"She's gone." a doctor said.

"PLEASE! DO MORE! PLEASE HELP ME!!" I shouted at them.

Silence fills the room.

"How I'm I going to tell this to my daughter? She loves Taylor." a female nurse said.

Oh my god. My fans!

Authors Note

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