Chapter 5.

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Guardian Angel

(Taylor's Perspective)

I wait for Ed to wake up.

Its 3:13 in the morning.

I don't feel tired at all.

If I'm a ghost then why haven't I seen other people that passed away?

Why am I still here?

Do I have a purpose?

"Ugh Why I'm I still here?!" I yelled.
Just then a bright light started shining in Ed's backyard.

I opened the door and walked outside.
I walk closer to the light and its get brighter. I squint my eyes and held up my ands up to my face.

The light becomes blue and it gets even brighter. The lighting goes down and I see a girl.

The girl has blonde hair and she's wearing a white dress that goes down to her knees. She was dark blur eyes like mine. I see something behind her back.
I look closer and I see wings! Blue wings! Angel wings!

"Hi Taylor. My name is Blue, you're guardian angel." the girl said.

"My guardian angel?" I asked.

"Yes, I looked after you ever sense you were a baby. Not to sound creepy or anything." Blue said.

"Why am I still here?" I ask.

"You still have a purpose on earth. But there are demands trying to get to you. I was sent here to protect you." Blue said.

"Purpose? Demands? There are demands? Why do they want me?" I ask.

"We still don't know why yet. We are trying to figure that out." Blue said.

"We?" I asked.

"The SAA. Special Angles Association. They protect ghosts that just passed from demands kidnapping them and make them there slaves down in hell." Blue said.

"Oh" I said not knowing what to say.

Just then we hear snarling coming from the bushes in the backyard.

"Stand back." Blue said standing in front of me.

More snarling coming from the bushes.
Just then black fingers pop out and surround us. They kinda look like wolves mixed with tigers. They have black fur, with purple stripes. There eyes are red, sharp teeth and long claws.

"Run." Blue said.


Authors Note

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