Chapter 9.

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(Taylor's Perspective)

I am standing in a hospital room, a figure is laying down on a hospital bed but I can't make out who it is.

"Is she awake yet?" I hear a familiar voice ask. I turn and it's my mother. "No she is still in a coma." Austin said.

"How long is she going to be like this?" My mother asks crying.

"The doctors don't know." Austin said.

"Mom, Austin I am here." I said.

"How long are we going to wait?" Austin asks.

"I don't know. We have to keep waiting for the fans." Mom said.

Wait? Wait for what?

"The fans are going to be so crushed when we do it." Dad said walking into the room."

Do? Do they mean?

Pulling me off life support?

No! They can't do that!!

"When are we doing it?" Dad asks.

"In just a few hours." Mom said.

This can't be happening! No! No! No!!!

"I am here Dad! look at me!!" I yell at my father but he just looks threw me. Like I'm not there.

I turn around and faced Austin, "Austin can you see me?" I ask standing right in n his face. He looks threw me as well.

"Austin!" I shouted, nothing he doesn't even look at me.

"What are we going to do?" Austin asks.

"I don't know. The fans are demanding answers, we need to tell them at some point." Mom said.

Tell them what?

That I am in a coma?

That I might die?

They will be crushed.

"How will we tell them?" Austin asks.

"How about on her tumblr for now we just say that she is in the hospital and in critical condition." My mom said.

"Okay let's tell them." My mom said.

No!! No! No! No!





"Taylor wake up!" I hear Blue yell.

"Wha-?!" I suddenly wake up and my heart beat feels like it's about go burst threw my chest.

Wait a minute? A heart beat?

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