Chapter 10.

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(Taylor's Perspective)

The monsters that chanced me before crashed threw the doors of the club. A few shrieks where yelled threw the crowd once people realized who came in here.

"Oh my god! Oh shoot am I supposed to say that?" a new angle said. "Not now Steve!" the angle next to him said. "Let's get out of here!" a voice shouted. People begin to panic and run out of the club.

"Taylor stay close to me." Blue said holding on to my hand. "How did those things get in here?" I yell. "I don't know but let's focus on getting out of here." Blue said.

We begin to push threw the crowd as screams fill the air.

One of those things grabs me by my leg I scream. Blue takes out her knife and chops it's arm off, the creature screams.

"Run! Go! Go!" Blue yells.

I start to run down the alley way and stope when I reach a brick wall, two paths ways one does left and the other goes right.

Crap where do I go?!

I turn right and keep running.

My legs feels like it's on fire but my breathing is fine so I can run more? I don't understand.

I feel something grab my foot, I scream falling to the ground.

"Taylor!" Blue yells somewhere behind me.

I feel something grab me tighter and I look back. It's one of those demon things. I scream, it shirks in my face and it starts to drag me.

"Blue help me!!" I yell fighting trying to get out of its grasp but it's too strong.

"I'm coming!" Blue yells and she flies threw the air.

Suddenly more of those things pop out of no where but they are flying creatures. They start fight with Blue in the air.

The creature that is holding me starts to run somewhere. "Blue! Help!" I yell trying to get out of its grasp.

It only holds on to me tighter and I try to bite it so it will drop me but its skin is rock hard? What the hell?

I start hitting it with my hand but I am only hurting my hand on the hard spiky skin. I hit my hand so hard that one of the spikes draws blood and I wince, "Ow." I yell in pain.

Suddenly more of those things appear and are looking at me casing after me, the creature holding me looks back and shirks at the other creatures like trying to scare them alway.

Those things get closer and closer to me and one of them lungs at the creature holding me. The monster holding me bites the monster that attacked me on the neck and it runs away.

The two monsters start fighting with each other as I just stair at them in shock and I didn't know what to do.

Just then something hits the creature and it shrieks loudly, and purple substance flys out the creature.

I feel something gooey hit my hand and I look at it. It's a wet substance and it's a purple color.

What is this? Weird daemon blood?

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