Chapter 12.

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(Taylor's Perspective)

I hear footsteps walking up to my cell. I look up to see a demean looking at me and two scary looking creatures I never seen before are standing behind him. The demean opens up my cell and I back away into the corner in fear.

"Put cuffs on her." The demean said.

"What?!" I yell in disbelief.

Suddenly two large scary looking creatures that kinda looks like weird ugly looking foxes and put chains on my hands and legs. I now can't move my arms and legs.

"Let me go!" I yell.

"Put her in isolation for now until what we decide to do with her." The demean said.

The two foxes take me down a long dark tunnel for a while, I tripped and fall a dozen times from the lack of light. Suddenly I see a faint light in the distance and as we get closer I see a metal door next to the light. One of the foxes opens the metal door, I look inside and it's even darker. I can barely see a bed on the side of the wall.

I get pushed in the small room and hear the door slammed behind me.

"Let me go!!" I yell in fear.

"We can't do that." One of the foxes suddenly said in a deep voice making me jump.

"Please! I just want to go home!" I yell.

"This is your new home." The other one said and they both laugh. They walked away and I just sit in the cell trapped.

A few hours later I hear footsteps and I look out threw the bars on my door.

"Hey newbie." A new voice said.

"What?" I asked looking around but I don't see anything.

"Down here." The voice said again.

I look down and I see a small weird creature with horns and a tale with claws for hands and feet.

"What are you a goblin or something?" I ask.

"Yes. Now shut up human. I need to take you to the chambers for labor." The goblin said.

"So you are going to make me be a slave?" I ask.

"Yes." The goblin said opening the cell door and put another chain on me so I won't go anywhere.


"Come on. We have work for you." The goblin said pulling me along with him.

We walk down the cave and began to walk down some stairs. The stairs seems to go down for a long time, as we go down the hotter the temperature of the air gets hotter and hotter. I begin to sweat and my feet begin to burn every step I take on these steps. After walking down stairs for who knows how long we finally made it to the bottom.

My feet are burning on the floor and the temperature in the room feels above 100 degrees.

I look around and the room looks like it's on fire, the walls looks like it's lava and it's just melting. The floor looks like burnt lava from a volcano and it feels hot to stand and step on.

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