Chapter 8.

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Learning my new life

(Taylor's Perspective)

The doors of the safety room breaks down and the demons come running in. Some of Angels start shooting the demons with there guns and when the bullet in pails the creator it vanishes into dust.

Everyone is screaming, running around trying to find a hiding place.

I hide behind a barrel in the corner of the room, just then I hear a growl to the right of me. I turn and I see on of those things looking at me with bright red eyes. The monster slowly walk closer to me and starts growling. The monster roars in my face and shows its sharp pointy teeth, I scream. The monster roars again and it lunges at me, I scream and flinch waiting for it to kill me but then I hear the monster yelp. I slowly open my eyes and I see blue lowering her gun.

"Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!" Blue yells running up to me. "I'm fine." I said getting up.

We look and see angels keep on fighting more of the monsters, "We need to close the door." Blue said. We run up to the door and start trying to push it closed. Other people and angles see us and run over to help.

"Everyone push on three! Ready one two three!" Gold said and everyone was trying to push the door closed. We close the door and lock it shut, we suddenly hear loud screaming then silence. We all just stand there waiting a minute or so in case they come back.

"Are the gone?"  a angle asked after a few minutes of silence. "I think so." Gold said. "What do we do now?" a angle asks.

"Angles please be on high alert still when you go back to there rooms. And if anything happens please report to head base immediately." Gold said. 

"Yes sir." All the angles said and we all slowly walked back to our rooms.

As we were walking back to my room my stomach growls really loud. "Was that your stomach?" Blue asks. "Yes I'm starving." I said. "Want to go to the cafeteria and eat?" Blue asks. "Okay." I said and I followed Blue to the cafeteria.

We walk into the cafeteria and I see thousands of tables with angles and people sitting eating dinner. The tables never end its just keep going and going. The tables are filled with people sitting down eating there meal.

"I thought ghosts can't eat?" I asked. "We don't we lost our appetite a long time ago. Once we stop eating, we stop being hungry because food keeps us alive. But for your situation you are still hungry because there is a slight chance that you can go back." Blue said. "How many tables are in here?" I ask. "Millions." Blue said. "Millions?!?" I yell. "No it's more then that. Billions?" Blue asks looking at the tables more. "Yeah Billions." Blue said. "You say like its a casual thing." I said. "Well it's casual for me I lived here since well you know." Blue said.

"Oh well how old are you? I ask. "Are you sure you want to know my age? I don't want to freak you out. When other angles tell there garden there age usually they freak out." Blue said. "You can't be that old. I think I can handle it." I said.

"I'm 25o years old." Blue said. "What?!" I yelled. "I told you where going to freak out." Blue said. "How is that possible?" I ask. "I passed away from a illnesses. They didn't have medicine like they do now." Blue said.

"Oh that makes sense. But you say here forever? Don't you get boarded?" I ask.

"Yes I did at first but I made friends here." Blue said. 

Friends, oh gosh I am sure going to miss everyone back at home.

"What about all your friends back home? Don't you miss them?" I ask.

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