Chapter 15.

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Back to Earth.

(Taylor's Perspective)

"We need to get you back to earth. It's getting too dangerous for you." Blue said.

"How? With those things chasing us? We almost didn't escape!" I said.

"It isn't going to be easy but we need you to go back." Blue said.

"You said that I can still go back? I was in the operating room and the doctors said I lost a lot of blood. When I heard that I ran out of the room in scared I don't know what the hell was going on. I saw my parents talking to the doctor and he said that it was too late. My parents begged and begged to do more. With that I ran out of the hospital." I said.

"We need to get you back to your body. Once you are in the same room as your body your soul will reconnect." Blue said.

"Okay. How do we go back?" I asked.

"I won't be easy but we can do it. We have a secret coat if you put it on and it makes the demands not see you." Blue said.

"Like in Harry Potter?" I asked confused.

"Kind of. Yes." Blue said.

"Where do we get it?" I asked.

"In heaven. We only used them in emergency's. We just need to go back and get it." Blue said.

"Cool." I said.

I really want to go back to earth.

Blue grabs my hand tightly.

"Hold on." She said and suddenly jumped up into the air and starts flying really high.

The wind blows through my hair as we go up higher and higher. We arrive at heavens gates and the gate opened for us. We walk in and another angle guard see's Blue and I.

"Oh my goodness Blue! What happened!? Oh I see that you found Taylor safely." She said.

"We almost didn't make it escaping hell. I need to get Taylor back to her body now. There are too many demands chasing her. We need the coat." Blue said.

The angle gasped, "The coat?! We only have a few of those. And the Magic only lasts for a few hours." The angle said.

"They only last for a few hours? Why?" I ask confused.

"The Magic has faded away over time on the coats. They only last a few hours until they need to put back here for a charge." Blue said.

"So it's like a iPhone that needs to be charged?" I asked confused.

"Yep." Blue said.

"This is heaven! Shouldn't everyone last forever?" I asked.

"We thought that as well. We are trying to come up with a way to fix it." Blue said.

"Why is it so strange here??" I asked.

"We don't know." Blue said and the other angle nodded agreeing.

"Let's go get a coat." Blue said and I followed her to a room.

In the room is a giant closet and a angle wearing fashionable clothes is standing inside folding clothes.

"Hello. What can I help you with?" She asks.

"We need a coat." Blue said.

"What kind are you looking for?" The angle asked.

"Swordfish." Blue said and the angle nodded.


"Please follow me." The angle said and we followed her up the back door.

The angle puts her hand up to the wall and suddenly a secret department opens up revealing a secret door. The angle types a code in and the door opens revealing another room. The angle walks in the room and we follow her. The door closes behind us and it's dark. The lights turn on revealing a small rack of clothes with only five clear jacket coats on it.

"That is the coat you will be wearing so the demons won't track you." Blue said.

"Why don't you make more of them?" I asked as the other angle hands me a coat and I put it on. The coat suddenly glows blue and the angle gasped.

"This a very special magic coat. These coats are only made once a year and it's very hard to make. And it takes three angles to make it." Blue said putting her's on as well.

"Oh." I said.

"Remember you only have 24 hours until it wears off." The angle said.

"We will try to hurry as fast as we can." Blue said.

"Good luck." The angle said and we walked out of the room.

We walked out of heaven's gates and flew to earth.


Author's Note

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