Chapter 7.

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(Taylor's Perspective)

We walk threw the gates and see a line that leads to a big building.

"That's the check in, it makes sure all of the ghosts that just passed makes it here safely. And if someone is not here we send there angel to get them and protect them. Like I did with you with the wolves." Blue said.

"Oh" I said because I'm scared out of my mind right now.

I'm still not over that I'm dead.

"I know this is very scary and overwhelming at first. But it will get better." Blue said like she read my mind or something.

"How did you know what I was thinking?" I asked.

"We can also sense what you are feeling." Blue said.

We made it into the building and see a tall desk with an angle sitting at the top writing stuff down.

"Next" the angle said.

Blue and I walk up, the angle looks down at us. "Ah yes Taylor Swift. Did you two make it here safely?" the angle asked.

"We ran into some demons but we lost them." Blue said.

"Good. My name is Crystal. I make sure that if people have passed on came here safety. And everyone is here so we aren't missing anyone. No one had any run ins with unwanted company." Crystal said.

"Everyone is here is here, Blue and Taylor had a in counter with some wolves but they ran away safely." a angel holding a clip board said.

"Good they didn't scratch you or anything?" the angel asked.

"No they didn't get close enough to scratch us." Blue said.

"Great you can show Taylor her room. Do you know where it is?" the angle asked.

"I know where it is." Blue said.

"Hope you like your stay here, next." the angle said.

"My room?" I ask as we walk down haul ways.

It hauls in this building looks like college dorms, "This building looks like a collage building." I said.

"We made it like that. Think of this like a collage dorm or hotel. Everyone has there own room some people share rooms if they want to. This is yours." Blue said as we stopped at a door.

I looked at the door number '13M', I looked back at Blue and she gave me a knowing look.

"Your lucky number and the thirteenth letter of the alphabet. I thought it was cute so I told the workers here to add that in." Blue said.

We walk into my room. It's exactly like my room back home. Everything same bed, same colored walls, pictures placed all around my room. It's like they did a photo copy of it and put everything here.

"How?" I asked.

"Each and every room here has a special power to make your room to your likes and needs." Blue said.

"But how did you do that? It's exactly like my room back home?" I ask.

"Someone goes to your house and scans the room like a photo copy and comes back here. We build it really fast before you came." Blue said.

"Oh." I said.

"I know this is a lot to take in but you will accept it in time." Blue said.

"But what if I don't. I am never going to see my family and friends again. I am never going to see my fans ever again. My fans will be heart broken when they found out what happened to me. The media will explode. I don't want to be here!" I yelled.

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