Chapter 1.

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(Taylor's Perspective)


Darkness is all I see after I blacked out.

I remember driving to home from being at Selena's house, and it was getting dark out. It soon started to rain and the roads began to get slippery. After a few minutes of driving a car's headlights shined into my eyes I swerved and I didn't remember much after that.

I can't see anything but I can hear someone talking.

"Taylor Swift. 24 year old female. Born in Pennsylvania, December 13, 1989. Injury blood  force trauma to the head." a mans voice said.

Injury? What happened to me? Did? Did I get into a car accident?! The last thing I remember is that I was driving to Ed's house. I was at a red light then the light turned green. I-I don't remember anything after that.

Uh my head is killing me.

I try to open my eyes but I can't.

Maybe talk? I try to open up my mouth but they feel like there glued shut.

Maybe move a round? Ugh my neck, lower back and my right leg feels like there on fire.

"Easy now. Lift her up slowly." the same voice from earlier said.

I feel hands grab my ankles and my arms. I get lifted up and slowly laid down on a flat surface. I'm guessing a stretcher. I feel lifted up again and being pushed.

"We have to get her to the hospital now! She's losing a lot of blood." a females voice said.


Oh god I'm going to die aren't I?

I get pushed into the ambiance. The siren turns on and I feel the car moving.

"Clear" I hear a females voice said.

I feel two metal plates go on my chest. I feel electricity go threw my body. My body shakes.

"No pulse." a man's voice said.

"Clear" the females voice said.

I feel more electricity go through my body again.

"No pulse." a man's voice said again.

"Clear" the females voice again.

I feel even more electricity go threw my body.

I hear a machine start beeping.

*BEEP*...... *BEEP*........*BEEP*

"We have a pulse" a mans voice said.

The machine start beeping like crazy.

"We're losing her" a females voice said.

The ambulance stops, I get pushed out of the ambulance and into a building. People shouting everywhere. Doctors and nurses yelling orders. People yelling from pain. Others crying over there loved ones that passed.

"Doctor! Over here!" the mans voice said.

"Victim Taylor Swift blood force trauma to the head. Neck is fractured and her lower back has a few broken bones." the females voice said.
Well that emplanes the pain.

"Let's get her into surgery now. Someone call her agent and family members. Don't tell anything to the press yet. We don't need the paparazzi crowding here." a mans voice said.

"Yes Doctor." the male and female voices said.

I'm pushed into a room. I hear nurses shouting orders. I feel a mask being out on me and a needle being pushed into my arm.

I pass out.

Authors Note

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