50 - Epilogue

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2 Years Later


Steve woke up to a faint cry coming from the nursery. He jumped up, leaving Maddison to sleep so he could check on their daughters. He always left Maddison to sleep at night, wanting to take the burden from his lovely wife. Especially since she worked a full-time job while he was a stay at home dad.

Steve wanted Maddison to have the option to be a stay at home mom. He had more than enough money, even now, 2 babies later. They still didn't spend enough money to even spend the monthly interest that their bank account gained. Even with raising two babies, they still profited from Emilia's brilliant investment to this day. Maddison's paychecks went toward a college fund for their daughters, the rest being put into savings for themselves. Overall, they were beyond financially set. They'd never have to worry about money.

Steve made it to the nursery, quickly scooping Loralei, their 20 month old, up into his arms and rocking her gently. He shushed her a few times while moving to sit the two on the rocking chair in the room. "I'm here, buttercup. That's it. Let it all out." He said quietly to his distraught baby girl. She'd been teething, her molars coming in, so she'd been having a little trouble lately.

Steve carefully grabbed the medicine from the small stand as well as some soothing gel for her gums while rocking her, hoping she'd calm down and the medicine would simply help her sleep better.

Steve heard the door open, picking his head up to see Avery in the doorway. "What's wrong with, Lor, daddy?" She whispered. She made her way into the nursery, sitting on the floor in front of Steve.

Steve smiled down at his beautiful 4 year old while also handling Loralei. He gave her a little of the infant ibuprofen before rubbing the gel on her gums and settling her on his chest to help her fall asleep. "Teething. Why are you up, pumpkin?" He whispered back.

Avery shrugged, staring up at her dad in awe. "I don't like when she's sad. I wanted to help." She answered.

Steve smiled at her, patting his thigh for his girl to join him, which she happily did. Avery climbed up and sat on his thigh, letting him wrap his free arm around her shoulders. "I don't like it when she's sad either, pumpkin. But you have a big day tomorrow. It's your first day of preschool. You need to be rested." He encouraged.

That was one thing all his girls had in common, they fought sleep. Getting his girls to lay down was a chore in itself, all three of them. Maddison would fight sleep until she was swaying on her feet, or she'd get headaches. Avery wasn't much better. They had to take the TV out of her bedroom and put in a white noise machine to help her. Then, of course, Loralei would fight it off until she was inconsolable.

His stubborn girls.

Avery just shrugged, laying her head on his shoulder and curling into his embrace. "I was nervous." She whispered.

Steve hugged Avery a little tighter, rocking his daughters lightly. "Everything is going to go amazing. They're going to love you, pumpkin." He promised her.

Steve rocked his girls, feeling them both finally fall asleep in his arms. Now, he just had to figure out how to get them both back in bed without waking either of them up. That was the tricky part. But he didn't care, he just basked in the cuddles with his daughters for a little while.


Maddison woke up to use the bathroom, but she realized she was alone in bed. She got up, threw on a silky nightgown, and headed into the bathroom.

After a quick stop to relieve her bladder, she made her way to Loralei's room, assuming that was where Steve was. She smiled when she walked in and saw both of their daughters in his arms sound asleep.

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