6 - Maddison

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Maddison woke up to a tiny, wet hand slapping her face, followed by a squeal of laughter from Avery. Before she even opened her eyes, Avery was pulled away from her. "Be nice to your mommy." She heard Steve quietly say.

Maddison shot up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes in a panic. She was moved to the couch and curled up under her favorite throw blanket. It was a fleece blanket with little mushrooms all over it. It wasn't quite big enough to fully cover her, so she always ended up curled up in a comfortable ball. But that wasn't the issue, she fell asleep while watching Avery. She'd never done that before, ever. Not unless she'd laid Avery down for a nap in her crib or her playpen first. She couldn't believe she'd been so reckless.

When Maddison looked around, everything looked fine. The same TV show played, the house wasn't burnt down and Avery seemed fine. Steve was sitting on the floor in front of her, keeping her from doing anything she shouldn't be doing. "I fell asleep.." She said quietly.

"You needed it." Steve answered as if that was a simple solution. She looked at him, furious. Not so much at him, but herself. She fell asleep while watching her daughter. Anything could've happened to her.

"I can't afford to fall asleep while I'm alone with Avery. She could've swallowed something or fell or... I don't know. Anything!" Maddison rambled.

Steve turned to face Maddison, picking up Avery and standing her up between them. She held onto the couch, holding herself up and reaching for Maddison. "You weren't alone. I was here, I let you fall asleep. You needed it, Avery was fine. We watched whatever the heck this show is, she had some smashed blueberries and some cheese like the chart on the fridge says she gets at this time. I was about to wake you up anyway, I didn't think you'd want me to change her." Steve explained in a calm voice that soothed her panic immediately. Avery was fine, she was fed and happy.

"How long was I asleep?" Maddison asked. She wasn't sure how to form into words how thankful she was that he was here, so she figured she'd wait, make sure Avery was okay first.

"Only about two hours. But Google says babies her age need changed every three hours, so I was going to wake you up in about twenty minutes." Steve answered.

Maddison smiled, Avery made grabby hands for her, so she happily scooped her girl up. "Thank you, Steve. I'm so sorry I fell asleep. That's never happened to me before." She said honestly.

Steve just shrugged and stood up, moving to sit on the couch beside her. She knew she had to look a mess. Her hair was probably a disaster, she still had on the same pajamas Scott had picked out, still no bra. But now she had morning breath to add to it. Wonderful. "I figured you didn't. When I saw you getting tired I slowly turned the TV down more and more and I occupied Avery so she wouldn't crawl on you." He answered.

Maddison wasn't even sure what to say. Thank you didn't sound like enough. "I.." She started.

"I wanted to do this, Maddison. I'm sorry if you don't trust me to be alone with Avery, I didn't even consider that. I just wanted to show you that I can do this, your daughter doesn't scare me away and I want to make your life easier." Steve rambled.

Maddison put her hand on his arm to stop his ramblings. "Thank you." She simply said. "Let me change her and lay her down for a nap, we can talk more." She said before standing up. She headed into the nursery, changing Avery and giving her far too many kisses being laying her down in her crib for a nap. She knew her girl was getting sleepy and grumpy. The entire time she held her, Avery kept rubbing her eyes with her tiny fists and yawning. So cute.

When Maddison made her way back out into the livingroom, she made a pit stop to put on a bra in her bedroom. She also threw on some leggings, already embarrassed by Steve seeing her thick thighs, she hated the site of the cellulite on the backs of her thighs that she was sure Steve already noticed and was disgusted by.

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