45 - Maddison

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With Maddison finishing up the last couple of months of her BSN program, things had been tough. The closer to the end of her courses, the harder the workload seemed to be for Maddison. She'd been struggling more the last month than she had almost the entire time she was in school. She was more tired, more restless, more anxious, more grumpy, and more stressed. Just, more.

Maddison was more than grateful that she had Steve to help lessen her load at home and to help ease her tension. More nights than not, Steve was straddling her waist and rubbing the knots out of her back and shoulders until she was able to get a couple hours of rest before she had to be at work.

Thankfully, with Emilia's pregnancy, Emilia was finally seeing just how hard things had been for Maddison. She always understood, and she always did everything she could to make Maddison's life easier. But now? Feeling the exhaustion for herself, she had a whole new understanding.

Emilia had anticipated Maddison passing her exams, already ready and excited to offer her a full-time position as one of her RN's in a few months. So she'd hired a new receptionist, part-time for now.

Maddison fought it. She needed the money. But she really didn't. Steve had slowly taken over more and more of the financial burdens until he took everything for himself. All Maddison's money was doing was paying for her classes. And that was only against fierce protest from Steve.

Lately, however, Maddison wasn't feeling herself. Her sleep schedule was all over the place. She was taking more and more naps during the day. She was falling asleep in class, and her appetite was trash. She knew a bug had been going around, Avery was sick all last week. But she was on her way to getting better while Maddison was feeling worse.

So, Maddison was headed to the doctor today. She asked Steve if he would keep Avery for a day so she could see what was wrong and headed out. "Don't kiss me, I'm sick." She protested when Steve held her face in his hands and pressed his lips to hers.

Steve shrugged, kissing her again. "I don't get sick. But even if I did, I'd never let you leave the house without a kiss or telling you that I love you." He said, staring down at her with a look that made her head spin.

Maddison smiled at that, wrapping her arms around his torso and laying her face on his broad chest. "I love you." She promised him.

Steve kissed the top of her head, banding his arms around her tightly. "I love you. Meet up with Avery and I at Em's if you're feeling alright. If not, come home and lay down. Text me whatever you want for dinner, and I'll make it or pick it up so you can rest." He said against the top of her head.

Maddison smiled at that. Her guy was the most considerate man she had ever met. She didn't know how she'd gotten so lucky that he wanted her and Avery. But she wouldn't argue it. Not anymore. In the beginning, she worried that he was too good for her, but she gave up on that and just enjoyed that this gorgeous man was so dedicated to her.

Steve patted her on the ass before stealing another kiss and letting her out of his grasp. "Text me if you need anything, alright? I love you." He said.

Maddison wanted to kiss her little girl, but she didn't want to get her sick. She'd just gotten over this sickness. Their poor baby was nauseous, exhausted, and starving herself for days. It took arguments to get her to get something, anything, in her belly. The first few days, the only thing she would consume was nutritional drinks. The last few days, she would finally eat, but it was only yogurt. And only strawberry flavored. So Maddison refused to risk giving her back this bug. All she would do was cling to Steve and cry and fuss about her stomach hurting until she'd fall asleep with his shirt balled up in her fists like she was afraid he'd sit her down if she didn't.

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