12 - Steve

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Steve drove the whole way home on autopilot. His date with Maddison was more amazing than he had planned. He could still taste Maddison on his lips from their goodnight kiss. She'd let him carry Avery inside, he held her while Maddison went and changed into something more comfortable so she could bathe and change Avery before bed. He loved that not only did several people assume he was Avery's dad, but even she called him dad. That about had his heart explode, and in front of Maddison? Even better.

Steve had left after Avery was bathed, in her pajamas and comfortably asleep in her crib. He spent a little too long giving Maddison a proper goodnight kiss, but had to cut it short before he let himself get too into it. He didn't know how to tell Maddison that he'd never had sex before, he didn't even have the heart to tell her that she was only 4th woman he'd ever kissed. And Natasha doesn't even count if he thought about it, it was only so Rumlow wouldn't recognize them.

Steve walked into the house after the sun had already set, but he saw a few lights on inside, telling him Emilia and Bucky were still awake. It wasn't that late, not even 10PM, but Emilia was an early bedtime kind of woman. The fact that she was awake at all was surprising. He parked his bike in the garage next to Bucky's bike and headed inside with a bright smile on his face.

Bucky was alone on the couch, a book in his hand. So, Steve grabbed some water and sat down beside him. "How'd the date go?" Bucky asked, he closed his book and offered Steve his full attention.

Steve just nodded, trying not to seem too enthusiastic. "Really good." He answered honestly.

Bucky nodded, seemingly waiting for him to continue. "Yet you didn't stay the night?" He asked when Steve didn't continue to elaborate on their date.

"Nah, I'm not rushing her. It was only our first date." Steve defended.

"Yeah, but you've been obsessed with this woman for like a month." Bucky said with a shrug.

Steve let out a quiet laugh. "True. But I don't want her to think that's all I want from her." He explained. He didn't want to go into detail about how he was nervous and how he was hoping Maddison would be his first and his only.

Steve wanted to stick his head through a wall when Bucky started to lecture him about sex like a dad would a teenage boy. Talking about the importance of foreplay and making sure she cums first and preferably several times. But he was listening, he didn't know much about sex and he definitely didn't want to disappoint Maddison whenever they got there. He just didn't expect his sex talk to come from his best friend, and not at his age.

"If your serum worked the same as James' did, she's going to need a lot of foreplay." Emilia butted in as she descended the stairs with a grace only she could attain. Steve turned around to offer her a puzzled face, but smiled at his friend. She had on a skimpy pair of shorts and one of Bucky's t-shirts that hid all of her shorts. Her thick thighs were on full display and her hair was slightly messy like she'd been sound asleep just a moment ago.

"Can't sleep?" Bucky asked. He opened his arms for Emilia and smiled when she sat on his thigh, wrapping an arm around his neck.

"I heard you two talking, I wanted to know how to date went. Why are you giving Steve the sex talk?" Emilia asked. Steve snorted a laugh, he was wondering the same thing. He was also hoping they wouldn't bring up the serum again, he wasn't so sure he wanted to tell his two best friends that his dick got bigger when he got the serum. He definitely didn't want to hear that Bucky had the same experience.

"Doll, I shut the bedroom door so we wouldn't wake you." Bucky said quietly. Steve watched as Bucky leaned in, whispering something in Emilia's ear before kissing her temple. Emilia laid her head onto his shoulder after whatever he'd said. "I'm gonna get her back to bed, let me know if you need to talk about this any more." Bucky said. He clapped Steve on the shoulder before standing up with Emilia in his arms and heading upstairs.

"I don't." Steve reassured him. It wasn't true, Bucky was a player back in the day, so he was sure he'd be able to give him plenty of advice on sex. But he'd figure it out without the awkward conversation.

Emilia and Bucky's bedroom took up the entire 3rd floor of the gorgeous Victorian home, so Steve headed upstairs to the 2nd floor to his room. All the 2nd floor had was a few bathrooms and guest bedrooms. His bedroom had an attached bathroom, so he grabbed a quick shower and changed into his pajamas before flopping down on the bed. He wasn't even situated comfortably when he heard his phone go off.

Steve smiled when he saw it was a text from Maddison. "I had a really great time today, I just wanted to thank you for taking me out." Her text read.

"Me too, will you let me take you two out again soon?" Steve texted back with an oversized smile on his face.

Steve's phone buzzed a few minutes later, he assumed she was probably dealing with Avery or settling down for bed. "Yes. I have no classes for 2 weeks at Christmas time." Her response read.

Steve debated for a minute. He wanted a date alone with Maddison. But he also didn't want her to think he didn't want to be around Avery. He did, he already loved that girl. But he also wanted an evening with Maddison, one where he could get to know her better. One where Maddison could have a night where she didn't have to be in mom mode, like the night they met. Finally, he texted back. "I'd love to take you both out again. The zoo has Christmas lights up at night. But I'd also like to take you out some day alone." It read.

Steve sat nervously until his phone buzzed a few minutes later, smiling when he saw Maddison's response. "I'd like that."

Before Steve could think of a reply, or plan their next date, his phone buzzed again. "I have to get to bed, Avery wakes up at early, and I need to do some homework in the morning before she does." Another text read from Maddison.

"Okay, goodnight Maddison, text me tomorrow." Steve texted back.

Unable to sleep with how excited he was, he started planning their next date. For his date alone with Maddison, he wanted to take her out on the bike as long as it wasn't too cold. He figured he'd take her to a nice restaurant and to an adult arcade. The date with Maddison and Avery was an easy one. He'd take the two to the zoo lights, take for too many pictures of his girls, buy Maddison a hot chocolate to sip on while he carried Avery around. He hoped even more that he could get a good picture of the three of them at the zoo, one in front of a Christmas tree or with Santa. It was going to be perfect.

Brooklyn - Steve Rogers X OC SpinoffWhere stories live. Discover now