48 - Steve

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Steve couldn't fall asleep for a while. He was not only still wired from flying home, but from the news Maddison just dropped on him. They were having another baby. He was so excited he couldn't hardly stand it. He wanted to shout it for everyone and anyone to hear.

He knew he loved his girls more than anything in this world. He knew he'd die for them. He'd kill for them, but the new feeling that he needed to protect Maddison and their unborn baby was overwhelming.

When Steve woke up, Maddison was still happily against him. She'd turned in her sleep, resting her back against his chest. He smiled at that, wrapping his arms around her. His hand made its way to her stomach, holding her protectively. He felt a small swell, smiling proudly at that. He never got an answer on how far along she was, but it didn't matter as long as his girls and his baby were healthy. He could figure the rest out today.

Maddison adjusted in her sleep, her hand squeezing Steve's arm lightly. He smiled at that, kissing the shell of her ear lightly. "Good morning, angel." He whispered. She hummed happily at that but made no attempt to move. He knew his girl wasn't a morning person, and he was more than fine with that. He'd always take the early mornings so his girl could rest.

"I'm going to take Avery on our morning run so you can sleep in, okay?" He whispered. He figured Sam would want to join him, too. Bucky joined them pretty frequently, but he knew it wouldn't be happening today, not with them just getting home to their girls.

Maddison whined at that, her hand tightening on his arm. "No. Stay." She said sleepily. He chuckled, kissing her ear lightly. "Did you miss me?" He teased. He missed her too, both of his girls. He just assumed that since she was up late and wasn't feeling well, that he'd let her rest.

Maddison nodded, slowly rolling over until they were chest to chest, and she was able to bury her face in his neck. "Stay. Need you." She mumbled. He knew she'd end up falling asleep again. He was more than happy to just hold her until she was ready to get up. He just wanted to see Avery, too.

Steve kissed her forehead, banding his arms around her tightly. "I'm here, Mads. Let me grab our girl, and you two can sleep a little longer, okay?" He asked. He'd never miss the chance to lay with Maddison, but he also wanted some toddler cuddles.

Maddison reluctantly let up on Steve, letting him crawl out of bed and grab Avery. He was careful not to wake her. He just scooped her up and held her against his chest so he could get back in bed.

Steve ended up situating Maddison against his side with her head on his chest, and Avery sprawled out across his chest with her face tucked into his neck. Avery hadn't woken up, but Maddison ended up falling back to sleep for a little while. He just happily held onto his girls while they both slept in.

Steve ignored the sound of someone in the kitchen. It sounded like they were cooking. He assumed Emilia had woken up. She'd struggled to sleep even before they'd left. But he didn't want to miss out on time with his girls, so he stayed in bed and held onto them until Avery woke up.

Avery rubbed her eyes with her tiny fists, picking her head up and smiling when she saw Steve. "Hey, pumpkin." He whispered happily.

Avery started to cry, an almost incoherent "daddy," coming out of her mouth before she clung to him and sobbed into his shirt.

Steve shushed Avery, kissing the top of her head while she cried. "I'm home, pumpkin. Daddy's home, I promise. It's okay." He whispered.

Avery's cries woke Maddison up, making her sit up nervously to see what was wrong with their girl. But her face softened when she saw that Avery was just so overwhelmed and happy that her dad was home. She started to rub Avery's back lightly while staring down at the two.

Avery's little cries eventually dried up, resulting in her simply clutching onto Steve's shirt and mumbling, "Daddy home." Every few minutes while he traced patterns on her back with his fingertips. His other arm remained around Maddison, refusing to let her go. "Yes, pumpkin. I'm home." He cooed.

Steve focused his attention on Maddison, leaning as best as he could to kiss her forehead. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

Maddison smiled up at him, letting him lean in and get a kiss from her lips. "I'm okay. How did everything go?" She asked.

Steve sighed, but he explained what had happened. He explained winning, but it cost Wanda the love of her life. He refused to explain how he'd almost died but that Bucky and Vision saved his ass. He refused to tell her how close they were to losing. "Sam, Nat, and Wanda are here now. Sam and Nat are just here for the night. They'll probably leave in a few hours. But I think Em is going to insist Wanda stay for a little while." He explained to her.

Maddison looked up at him sadly, even having to wipe a few tears from her eyes. "She lost Vision?" She asked sadly.

Steve leaned in, pulling Maddison closer into his embrace. "Yes. But we won, and we'll all help her through this as best as we can. Don't cry. It's going to be fine." He said quietly. He didn't realize he'd wake up to two crying girls this morning,but he didn't mind. As long as he was home with his girls.

Maddison wiped her eyes again, laying her head down in his shirt. "Sorry. Hormones." She said quietly.

Steve chuckled at that, kissing the top of her head. "You're okay, angel. How about when you're ready, we head downstairs so I can get my girls something to eat before we go home?" He offered.

Maddison nodded against his shirt but kept her grip on him firm. "I don't think we should tell anyone, not yet. Imagine me dying, and the next day, someone bragged about their happy news. We should wait. it's not fair to Wanda." She said quietly.

Steve nodded in understanding, kissing the top of her head. "Whenever you're ready." He promised her. He'd never make her tell anyone about the baby before she felt ready to share, even if he was so excited that he wanted to scream it for the world. He knew and respected that it was her decision.

Brooklyn - Steve Rogers X OC SpinoffTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon