11 - Maddison

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Maddison couldn't stop smiling. Watching Steve feed Avery was such a cute experience, she loved how comfortable he looked with her and how excited he was to hold her. It made her wonder if he did actually want this, both of them. How could he not? He bought a car just so she had something to drive, she was pretty sure either his SUV had a magic gas tank, or he was sneaking and filling it while she was at work. Such a sweet gesture, and he hadn't even mentioned it. He didn't expect credit for doing something nice, he was just genuinely being nice.

Maddison appreciated that he gave her space, she was struggling to accept that he really wanted the both of them. She liked that he didn't seem upset when she'd ignore messages or not call him back, and she'd already declined several dates before this one. It wasn't because she didn't like him, she did, a lot. It was because she missed Avery. Of course it was nice to have a child free day, sleep longer than a few hours and have a meal that didn't have children's shows playing in the background. But then the mom guilt came, making her wonder why she liked her alone time. Making her guilty for someone else watching her just so she could be alone. But she needed it sometimes, hell she hadn't masturbated since before Avery was born, maybe that's why she was so cranky and tired all the time.

Steve carried Avery out to the car, sound asleep and happily drooling on Steve's overpriced button up shirt. Maddison loved the sight, how he looked so right holding her daughter. Here Steve was, this giant intimidating man, carrying around a 7 month old after watching a stage full of animatronic animals sing and dance. Was this how her life could be? Could everything really be this easy and this...right? He fastened Avery into her car seat, kissing her on top of the head before opening Maddison's car door for her. When she got in the car, Steve stood in front of her in the door frame. He grasped ahold of her chin with a featherlite touch, tipping her chin to look up at him. "I hope you know, I'm having a really good time." He said, and it felt genuine. She smiled brightly at that, nodding her head in agreement because she didn't quite trust what would come out of her mouth.

Steve leaned down, his muscular forearm on the top of the car and his other hand still holding Maddison's chin. She felt the heat rush to her cheeks the closer he got, she could smell his cologne the closer he got. It was intoxicating. But it didn't distract her from the fact that he slowly inched closer, until his lips were just a hair away from hers. But then he stopped, she wanted to whimper in protest, beg him to close the distance. From how close his face was to her, she could see the little specs of green lost within the blue of his eyes and a few freckles so faint they almost didn't exist at all. She could feel his perfectly groomed beard against her chin and his breath on her lips, still somehow minty but also sugary from the sweet tea he'd had at lunch.

"Is this okay?" Steve asked quietly. Again, Maddison didn't trust her voice, worried she'd beg or moan if she tried to talk. So she nodded. That must have been enough for him, because she felt him close the distance and her eyes fell shut as soon as his soft lips touched hers.

Steve's lips were surprisingly soft, sending bolts of electricity through her. His mouth moved in sync with hers, getting what she assumed was probably a little too heated for a parking lot. But she didn't care enough to stop, wouldn't have if she did care. Kissing Steve felt right, especially when his hand moved from her chin to hold onto the back of her neck. His strong fingers dove into her hair at the back or her neck, lightly squeezing the sides of the column of her neck. She felt her pulse hammering in her ears as she mimicked his hold, gripping the hair at the nape of his neck to keep him close.

Steve's tongue explored her mouth, making her let out an appreciative groan, gripping onto his hair a little tighter. With a little too much ease, in her opinion, Steve lifted Maddison out of her seat. She let out a squeal of surprise, terrified of being dropped, she was far too heavy to be held. "Wrap your legs around me." Steve said in a sexy, husky voice that sent a chill straight to her core.

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