22 - Steve

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Steve had just laid Avery down for the night, he and Maddison decided to spend New Years Eve at her house. Just the two of them for the ball dropping, just the three of them at all. But now he had his girl all to himself after laying his little girl down for the night. When he headed back out into the livingroom, Maddison was cleaning up in the kitchen, putting away dinner and wiping down the counters.

"I've got that. Go sit." Steve insisted. He shooed Maddison away with a kitchen towel, smiling at her as he did so, so she knew he was teasing her.

Maddison fought back a yawn, but Steve caught onto it. It was late for her, and despite being off work and school, his girl was exhausted. He learned that time off didn't mean time off, it just meant more time for Avery and homework and luckily, him. So even though she wasn't working or in class, she was just as tired. "It's only 8, how about you lay down for an hour or two. I promise, I won't let you miss the ball drop." He insisted.

"I'm not a very fun date." Maddison grumbled, coming around the island again to hug Steve. He loved when she initiated the touches, it made him feel like she wanted him as badly as he wanted her. And boy, did he want her. He wanted every yawn, every early morning wakeup, he wanted every day with her for as long as she'd take him. He knew it was too early for that, but he couldn't stop himself.

Steve happily wrapped his arms around her, laying his head on top of hers while she hugged onto him. "I didn't realize this was a date. I should've worn a nicer shirt." He teased. He kissed the top of her head before leading the two to the couch. "It's late, and it'll be even later before we get to sleep, take a nap." He insisted again.

Convincing Maddison to nap ended up harder than it should've been, stubborn woman. But when he'd said he was also tired, he wasn't, she finally agreed. Steve laid her on top of his chest, ignoring her protests that she was too heavy. He loved the weight of her body on top of his, her head on his chest and her torso on top of his, her legs between his. He'd never get tired of this feeling. Even when she dozed off, he stayed awake. He ran his hands up and down her back, occasionally massaging her back, shoulders and neck as he went. He just admired her and how comfortable she was starting to get with him, he hoped it continued. He already fantasized about a day where'd she run and jump on him, trusting him to catch her, which he would. Or where she'd initiate laying on top of him, no matter how heavy she thought she was.

It may have been too soon, but Steve was definitely in love with Maddison and all the quirks that she seen as negatives, he saw as positives. Her grumpiness whenever she first woke up, he was just thankful she was resting and loved how cute she looked when she protested waking up. Her little yawns when she'd force herself to be up too late, how grumpy she'd get when she was hungry and the little dance she'd do when she finally got to eat. The same little dance that Avery did when she ate, he loved that. He knew she was it for him, he just couldn't tell her yet, couldn't risk scaring her away.

Waking Maddison up was just as difficult as he knew it would be, but he loved that about her. She tucked her face into his neck, grumbling about it being too early for his shenanigans. What 26 year old says shenanigans? It was adorable. "Come on, angel. You gotta ring in the new year with me." He said quietly.

"Do you have something in mind?" Maddison teased with a sleepy voice. Steve knew he should've left her to sleep, but he did have something in mind, actually.

"I do. How about you wake up and you can find out what my plan is?" Steve teased, kissing the top of her head.

As nervous as Steve was, he was also excited. His plan was to finally see his girl in all her glory, spend the New Years proving that she wasn't ugly naked. As long as she was willing, that is. He'd never make her do anything that made her uncomfortable.

Brooklyn - Steve Rogers X OC SpinoffWhere stories live. Discover now