36 - Maddison

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It had been a month since their family vacation to New Jersey, and things had been going well. Maddison was attempting to lessen her stress. It wasn't working. With less than a year left of school, if anything, it was more stressful.

Madison was at work, finishing up the last few hours of her shift before she finally got to head home and get a nap before class when a young man walked in. "Good afternoon, welcome to Dr. Barnes' office, how may I help you?" She asked sweetly.

The man smiled back at her, looking down if she had on a name badge. She didn't. "Yeah, I have a delivery for Maddison Blake." He said.

Maddison quirked an eyebrow at him but nodded her head. "I'm Maddison." She said.

This man grinned at her, handing her a large envelope. "You've been served." He said, walking off before she could respond. Maddison just sat at her desk shocked, served for what? Her mind filled with possibilities, the main one being Ben. She ripped the envelope open, seeing it was a lawsuit from Ben. He was claiming she stalked him and sought him out for money. He was suing for half a million dollars and somehow managed to get a restraining order in place. But he was also demanding full custody of Avery. He'd never even met her, doesn't even know her name yet he wants her!

Maddison just stared at the paperwork in utter shock, unable to do anything. The phone was ringing and someone was standing at her desk. But she ignored it all. She felt a hand on her shoulder and jumped at the contact. "You okay, honey?" Emilia asked sweetly. Maddison didn't respond. She couldn't. But she also didn't stop Emilia from taking the papers out of her hand and reading them.

Emilia gasped when she read the papers, and Maddison could hear her talking on the phone. But she was so shocked she couldn't even focus on it.

Maddison sat at her desk, ignoring the entire world for a while. She wasn't even sure how long she sat there. But she felt a hand on her shoulder and another on her back. "Angel, look at me." She heard Steve say calmly. That finally snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked up to see Steve and Bucky standing next to her. "There's my girl." He said proudly.

Maddison sighed heavily, staring up at Steve and Bucky. "Ben..." She said quietly.

Steve shushed her, squatting down to her level and putting his hand on her cheek. "I know, angel. We're going to handle it. Don't you worry about that. You and Buck are heading home to rest and spend some time with Avery before class. I'll be back in a few days at the most." He explained.

Maddison just nodded, not having the words for much else. She knew she'd lose the lawsuit if it made it to court. She didn't have half a million dollars or  the money for a fancy lawyer. But she also didn't know how she felt about this level of trust that she was given around his best friend. Nothing inappropriate ever happened, never would. But she remembered Ben getting insanley jealous and not letting her around any of his male friends yet Steve doesn't give the first care in the world about how much time she spends around Bucky, neither does Emilia. She honestly loved being given the trust that she deserved.

"Come on, Mads." Bucky said calmly. He reached his right hand for her, smiling at her when she took it. She wasn't even sure why her mind was such a mess. She assumed this would happen when she ran into him. She was just hoping to be wrong. She definitely wasn't expecting him to want to take her daughter from her. The thought alone made her want to puke.

Bucky, Steve, and Maddison headed out to the parking lot together. Steve pulled Maddison into his chest, hugging her to him with one hand and holding her face with the other. "Don't stress about this, I'll handle it." He promised.

Maddison just nodded, staring up at Steve. She didn't know how he planned to fix this unless he was just going to pay Ben off. "Don't give him a dime." She insisted. He didn't deserve it.

Steve smiled at her, shaking his head no. "Not even a penny. I've got this. Go home, Emilia will be there when she gets off." He told her.

Maddison raised an eyebrow at him, lost. But Steve answered what she hadn't even asked before she could say anything. "You're too worked up. You and Buck are going home. He'll handle Avery while you get a little sleep. Use one of those melatonin gummies if you have to since I know you can't miss a day of class. He and Em will be staying with you until I get home." He said.

Maddison just nodded, laying her head against his chest for a moment. She just enjoyed how safe his muscular arms felt and how fantastic he smelled. "I love you, angel. I have to get going. Go home with Buck." He said, kissing the top of her head.

Maddison picked her head up and smiled at Steve. "I love you." She said happily.

Steve let Maddison out of his grasp, quite literally handing Bucky her hand. "Don't let her stress and not sleep." He requested, Bucky nodded and pulled Maddison toward his car.

Maddison followed Bucky, holding onto his hand a little too tightly. She turned back and watched Steve as he climbed in her SUV. He winked at her, mouthing that he loved her before climbing in the car. She knew she had to trust him on this, but she was scared of the possibility of losing their daughter. Avery's entire life was her and Steve. Ben didn't even want kids. She knew he only did that to hurt her, that if he got custody, he'd end up giving her away to his mom to raise.

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