46 - Steve

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Steve hated seeing Maddison so upset. He hated the way her eyes were puffy, and her nose was red when she climbed out of the car.

He immediately pulled her into his chest when he rushed out to meet up with Maddison in the driveway, sighing contently when she melted into his embrace and wrapped her arms around him tightly. "I'm here, angel. I'll come home, I'll always come home." He promised.

He knew it was a promise he couldn't keep, but he'd do anything and everything to come home to his girls.

Steve felt Maddison lightly shake, crying into his shirt. He just rubbed his hands along her back, holding her steadily to himself with his head on top of hers. "I know. I know it's scary, but I'll come home. I'd never leave you." He promised.

Steve comforted Maddison for a while, but he knew the two had to head inside. He was still fighting with Emilia to stay home, and he wanted to say goodbye to his baby. So, when Maddison had calmed down, he brought the two inside.

Maddison scooped Avery up as soon as she got inside, hugging onto her tightly and trying her hardest not to cry into her hair. Steve saw the pained look on her face, and while he tuned it out, he heard her whispering to Avery and kissing her hair repeatedly.

Steve huffed in frustration, hating that the time he was supposed to be saying goodbye to his girls, he was arguing with Emilia to stay home. She was so heavily pregnant that he wasn't sure she wouldn't pop as soon as they left! No way was she going to Scotland to pick up Vision and Wanda. No way!

Emilia, Steve, and Bucky had been at this for a while. He was getting frustrated that his stubborn friend was so persistent. "We don't even know what the plan is! We just know we have to get to Vision before the bad guys do! Don't be an idiot, Em! I'm not risking you!" He snapped.

Bucky stepped between Steve and Emilia, a murderous look in his eye. But he wasn't backing down. He wasn't even sure why Bucky wasn't the one nagging her about this. "Yell at my wife again." He warned Steve.

Steve opened his mouth to argue but ready to fight his friend if it came to that. She was too pregnant to be doing this. But Maddison stepped between himself and Bucky, making Bucky take a step back. "So this has gotten a little out of hand." She mentioned casually.

Steve almost laughed at that. His girl had a way of calming everyone down. She had a way of diffusing conflict like a professional. She even called them teenage boys, making him feel like an ass.

"Daddy!" Avery happily squealed, pulling Steve out of his head. He grabbed his little girl from Maddison and gave her a large kiss on the cheek. "Hey, pumpkin!" He cooed.

After a few more minutes of arguing, Emilia and Bucky decided to head upstairs to talk about this in private. Steve knew that meant Bucky was finally going to put his foot down and tell his wife that she couldn't go. He knew that Bucky would never argue with his wife in front of people. He was her defender, and to everyone else, he was always on her side.

Steve wasn't much different. Maddison could be absolutely in the wrong, and he'd still stick up for her adamantly. It was his job as boyfriend, and hopefully very soon, husband.

Maddison smacked Steve on the arm as soon as the two were alone with their little girl. "That woman is scared out of her mind. What the fuck is wrong with you?" She snapped.

Steve almost felt deflated at that. He'd never really been yelled at by his girl before. He didn't like it. "I know, Mads. It's just not safe for her to go. Not only could she get hurt, but we'd be distracted by looking out for her." He defended. But he knew Maddison was right.

Maddison glared at him, adjusting Avery on her hip. She coughed a little, holding her hand over her mouth for a minute even as if she was going to throw up. It worried Steve, making him rush to her side and rub his hand along her back. "Are you still feeling sick? Sit down, I'll get you some cold water." He encouraged.

Maddison took a few steadying breaths, worrying him while he grabbed her something cold to drink. She took a seat on the couch, putting Avery in her lap.

When Steve got back to Maddison, he kneeled down in front of her, holding her shaking hand so she could take a few sips of water. "Tell me what's going on, Mads." He begged.

Maddison took a moment, but she glared when she seemed to be over her coughing and nausea spell. "That woman is having his babies, Steve. Obviously, she's terrified that something is going to happen. That she'll never see him again and be handed yet another folded flag. She's hormonal, and she's terrified, and you snapped at her. You have no idea how it feels to be pregnant. You're scared all the time, even when you don't have a valid reason. Cut her some slack." She snapped.

Steve sighed, sitting the cold water on the floor next to Maddison's feet. He rubbed his hands along her thighs, staring up at his girls lovingly. "I know, Mads. I hate that it has to be this way, I don't want Buck to go, I don't want to risk him. But this is too big for anyone to sit out on." He explained.

He knew Maddison was right. Emilia wasn't demanding to go to be stubborn. She was just scared that she wasn't in control of anything. He knew that.

Maddison sighed, adjusting Avery in her lap again. "I'm sure she's doing her best. But knowing her babies father is running off to fight who knows what, it's scary." She said sadly.

Steve got up, sitting on the couch beside Maddison. He wrapped his arms around her, leaning her into his side. "I know. And I know you're just as scared, but I won't leave you and Avery alone." He promised.

Steve sat there with Maddison and Avery for a little while, just holding onto his girls. He knew Avery didn't understand what was going on, that he couldn't just tell her that her daddy wouldn't be home for a little while. He knew she'd just be upset, that it was probably easier to just not tell her anything and apologize for being gone when he came home. He just hated doing that. "Mads, I need a favor from you." He said quietly.

Maddison picked her head up from his chest, looking up at him a little teary-eyed. He knew she'd been fighting it the entire time, that she'd break again soon. He just hoped it was before he left so he could hold her while she cried. "Yeah?" She asked quietly.

Steve kissed her forehead, holding onto the back of her head for a moment to keep his lips against her skin. "I need you to stay here while I'm gone. Watch over Em. I know you have a lot going on, but Em already wanted you to take the week off anyway. I just...her and Buck are my best friends. I don't want her to go into labor and be alone and scared." He asked.

Steve didn't know if he was asking too much. He knew Bucky was going to ask her himself. But she's been so stressed lately, so overwhelmed and exhausted that he hated to even ask that of her. But none of them had anyone else. "Of course." She answered immediately.

Steve kissed her forehead again, closing his eyes and breathing in her scent. He was so in love with her that it hurt. He hated leaving. He hated even more that he just added another chore to her busy life. But he just hoped he'd be home soon enough to not overwhelm her. "Thank you, angel. I'll get Avery situated in her crib for a nap and then go see what Buck's doing. Then I'll come back for you, okay?" He asked. He didn't want to say goodbye, but he knew he had to.

He had to do this.

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