21 - Steve

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Steve's eyes opened his eyes wide in shock, Maddison didn't think she was attractive? She said she doesn't look good naked. That's insanity. "Says who?" He asked.

Maddison let out a sigh that broke Steve's heart before shifting to stare up at him. Luckily she kept her body pressed up against him and her head on his chest, he didn't want to lose the contact. "It's just a fact, I gained way too much weight since getting pregnant. And you're... well look at you! There are sculptures of ancient gods with less muscle than you!" She ranted.

Steve didn't understand where this came from, Maddison was perfect. She had a face that angels would weep to see, perfect dimples, round cheeks on a slightly rounded face, a perfect pointed nose, velvety soft lips, green eyes that any man would wage war for the chance to stare into forever, long gorgeous eyelashes and a smile that made him want to sink to his knees and thank God that even one of those smiles were his fault. He let out a sigh, taking her hand and moving it over his clothed, but rock hard, cock. "I thought you knew the effect you had on me, angel. That's my fault for not showing you how attractive I find you." He said calmly. He groaned when he felt Maddison squeeze his thick length, palming him through his pajamas.

"I won't make the same mistake twice, if I have to remind you every single day how attractive I find you and how impossibly beautiful you are, I will." Steve promised Maddison.

"You deserve someone that people stare at and they're jealous of you." Maddison said.

Steve couldn't decide if that broke his heart that she didn't see herself as he did, or if it pissed him off. He'd seen the way men stared at her when they were out together, almost drooling. He wasn't sure how she didn't see that. If anything, he wasn't good enough for her. He was a simple guy, raised generations away. Hell, he didn't even know how to use a computer, the cell phone was a challenge on its own. She deserved a guy from this century, one that was fun and smart and not a magnet for trouble. But he was selfish, his need for her was too strong to ignore. "It breaks my heart that you don't see yourself how others see you. You're..I don't want to say perfect, that somehow isn't enough. But it's the closest I've got, you're perfect." He insisted.

"Ya know, I've heard that before. But then I heard the guy tell his friends that fat girls are an easy lay." Maddison said quietly.

"I wouldn't know, you're the only person I ever want to have sex with.." Steve blurted out before he could stop himself. Not exactly the way he'd planned on telling Maddison he was a virgin, but it was done.

Maddison picked her head up, a look he couldn't quite decipher across her face. Shock, maybe, definitely some confusion. But no anger and nothing that showed she would laugh at him. "You've never..." She asked, trailing off.

Steve just shook his head no. Frankly, a little embarrassed to admit that. But it's not like he'd had the time. When he was younger, before the war, he was a scrawny thing. Usually even the most petite girls were bigger than him and would much rather have Bucky than himself. Then during the war, he only wanted Peggy. Anyone else didn't even catch his eye. After the ice, waking up in this century. He'd basically went from one fight to another without much space in between to even debate dating. But nobody had caught his interest quite like Maddison did. Nobody seemed worth spending that much time with before the firey, plus sized redhead that barged into his life and called herself Captian America while drunk out of her mind on expensive mixed drinks.

"That's okay. I won't make you do anything." Maddison said quietly. She removed her hand from his cock, from where he'd put it, and he immediately missed her touch. She wasn't even doing anything, just resting her hand on it and he was ready to bust any second.

"That's not why I told you, Mads. I told you so you'd believe me about how amazing you are and how drop dead gorgeous you are. I was almost drooling that day at the restaurant, seeing you in that silky green dress. But I'm also just as bad off now, with no makeup and old pajamas, exhausted in my bed." Steve told her. He kept his hand on her soft waist, the other holding onto her face so she couldn't look away from him.

Steve smiled when he saw Maddison blush, thankful that his words sank into her head enough to embarrass her. But it was true, just seeing her in his bed had him rock hard. If he wasn't at Emilia's house right now, he'd already have his face buried between her thick thighs, begging her to cum on his face. But he already told himself their first time wouldn't be anywhere near where Bucky could hear him. This house was well built, with excellent insulation, but that was no match for a super soldier.

"I guess I've just been nervous that as soon as you see me naked, you'll run." Maddison admitted.

Steve lightly squeezed Maddison's soft waist, loving the feeling of her warm, soft skin in his oversized hand. "That's not going to happen. I can promise you that. It won't be tonight, Buck hears everything. But soon, I'll strip you down and kiss every inch of you. Then you'll know that I'm telling the truth." He said confidently.

Maddison blushed again, readjusting her head on Steve's chest to where he couldn't see that gorgeous pink tint to her pale skin. "I know you're tired, get some sleep. I'm not going anywhere, and I'm waking up early with Avery so you can sleep in." He insisted.

"Yes, Captian." Maddison said in a teasing tone. But it sent all the blood right to Steve's cock. He may have not known much about sex, but he knew he was going to be a dominating guy. And the thought of hearing his girl doing everything he says? Following his every order while also naked and calling him Captian? Even better.

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