47 - Maddison

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Steve had been gone for over a week!

Maddison had been an anxious mess about this entire ordeal. She'd started getting morning sickness, food aversion, and even muscle aches. She wasn't sure if she was just eating poorly or if she was getting a bit of a bump. Either way, her pants weren't fitting as well, and she felt her stomach had grown. It's not surprising for almost 17 weeks, but still. It was exciting and terrifying at the same time.

Maddison was getting more comfortable with her body the longer she was with Steve. The way his hands traced down her curves and he kissed every inch of her, it made her not so scared of being big. But now, pregnant, it made her insecure. She knew she wouldn't get the adorable baby bump, or if she did, she'd just look fatter. She hated that. She hated that she'd never get the cute maternity pictures because she'd just look like a whale in them.

Maddison wanted the adorable round beach ball under your shirt look, the one that Emilia had. Aside from some chubbiness on her cheeks and her boobs growing twice their size, she didn't look pregnant at all from some angles. She wanted that. But she knew she'd never have that again.

Maddison had been up half the night feeling sick. Emilia, Avery, and Maddison had decided on takeout for dinner. Both Emilia and Maddison herself felt too exhausted to cook. But now she was regretting it.

Maddison had ordered Indian food, some low-carb option for Emilia. Something low in fat and sugar. But she had gotten herself pork Vindaloo. It sounded amazing at the time. It tasted even better. But between the grease, the fat, and the spice. She was miserable.

Maddison was in the bathroom throwing up when she heard someone come in the room, terrified she'd woken Emilia with her vomiting. "I'm sorry, Emilia! I'm almost done." She whisper-shouted out the door.

A moment later, the door opened, and Steve was in the doorway. She wanted to be excited to see him. She was. But she felt terrible. She smiled up at him, lying her face on her forearm as it rested on the toilet. "You're home." She said happily.

Steve got down on his knees in front of her, his hand rubbing her back while the other traced patterns on her thigh. "What's going on, Mads? Still dealing with that bug? I'll take you back to the doctor tomorrow. You should have been feeling better by now." He said quietly.

Maddison sniffled a little at that. She didn't know if this was the right time to tell him, but she also felt so bad keeping this from him. She felt her eyes well up with tears while she stared at Steve. "Oh, angel. It's okay. I'm home, I'll take care of you." He cooed.

Steve wiped her tears with his thumb, staring at her with all the love and patience in the world. He just stayed kneeling in front of the toilet with her for a while, until she realized she was all out of things to vomit. "I have to talk to you." She insisted.

Steve shushed her, leaning in to kiss her forehead. "Whatever it is, it can wait. It's late and you're not feeling well. How about we lay down for a little while? I'll help you." He insisted.

Maddison wanted to protest. She wanted to get this over with. But she was exhausted, and she just wanted to lay against her man after missing him for almost 2 weeks. So, she nodded.

Steve helped Maddison brush her teeth, letting her stay seated on the bathroom floor while she brushed and spit into the toilet. He even held the tiny cup with mouthwash for her and helped her pour it into her mouth. She was I'm awe of his patience for her. She knew she was probably being difficult and needy, but she couldn't stop herself.

Steve helped Maddison into bed, having her take a couple of sips of water before grabbing a washcloth and wiping her face and the sweat off of her chest. "You're a little warm. Do you want the window cracked?" He asked. She shook her head no, patting the spot on the bed next to her. She just needed him.

Steve climbed in bed beside her, pulling her into his embrace. Maddison smiled at that, settling in with a leg over his hips and her face on his chest. "I still need to talk to you." She whispered.

Steve chuckled at that, leaning down to kiss her forehead. "Can it wait until morning? You sound exhausted. Have you been up all night?" He asked.

Maddison sighed, nodding her head yes. "I have, we had Indian and I think it upset my stomach." She admitted.

Steve sighed at that, kissing her forehead again. "Angel, you're sick. You can't eat spicy food. You need soup, simple meals, and your normal staples that are easy on your stomach. I'll make you something a little easier to eat in the morning if you're feeling up for it." Steve said quietly.

Maddison realized she couldn't wait, as scared as she was, he had to know. "Do you still love me?" She asked nervously.

Steve quickly moved the two, hovering over her on his side. His hand held onto her face, the other still wrapped around her shoulders. "I'd never stop loving you. What's going on, Mads?" He asked.

Maddison hated how nervous he sounded, like he'd screwed up somehow. She hated that she made him feel this way. "Steve... I." She started. This all felt easier in her head. Telling Steve was easier when she rehearsed it in the mirror.

Steve leaned in, resting his forehead against hers. She knew it was not only a way to be close, but a way that they could talk without eye contact intimidating her. It was something he started doing when he realized how hard it was for her to admit her anxiety about the court case with Ben. "You can tell me anything, angel." He promised.

Maddison let out a nervous sigh, closing her eyes for a moment. "I'm pregnant." She whispered.

She wasn't sure what reaction she was going to get, but it wasn't the one she got. Steve moved his hand from her face, putting it on her stomach. His thumb started to rub her through her thin tank top. "We're going to have another baby?" He asked quietly.

Maddison nodded nervously, keeping her eyes closed. "Yes." She whispered.

Maddison kept her eyes closed, but she felt Steve's lips on hers a moment later. His hand never left her stomach while he kissed her with enough passion to take all the air from her lungs. His hand even lightly squeezed her stomach.

When the kiss finally broke, Steve put his forehead against hers again. "This is amazing news, Mads. How far along are we? Wait, how are you feeling about all this? I know you weren't ready for more yet until you'd gotten your degree." He asked.

Maddison almost started crying at that, but she squeezed her eyes shut to keep her tears at bay. Apparently, Steve didn't like that. She felt his lips gently press against her eyelids, kissing her lightly. "It's okay, you can cry, Mads. I'm right here. Just tell me how you're feeling." He insisted.

Maddison opened her eyes, wrapping her arms around his shoulders while she clung to him. She may not have wanted more kids so soon, but she wanted this. She wanted Steve. He was the most amazing partner she ever could have asked for. He was perfect.

When Maddison had finally calmed down, she pulled away from their embrace. But she noticed that Steve's hand never left her stomach. "I found out at the doctor before you left. I didn't want to hide it from you, I was just scared that you'd lose focus out there. I'm sorry." She whispered.

Steve shushed her, leaning in to kiss her lips again. "It's okay. I'm not mad. Just tell me how you're feeling about this so I can help you." He pleaded.

Maddison melted into him at that, leaning into his body and his warmth. "Scared. But I want this, if you don't - " She started, Steve cut her off. "I want this. You couldn't get rid of me if you tried, Mads. Avery is mine, this baby is mine, and you are mine." He promised her.

Maddison smiled happily at that, fighting off sleep as well. It had been tough for her since Steve and Bucky had left. Avery was an inconsolable mess without her dad, Maddison was sick and miserable, and Emilia was exhausted and miserable. She clenched her jaw to hide a yawn, but Steve noticed. He noticed everything about his girls. "We can talk about this tomorrow when we go home. How about we get a little sleep? A few of the team is here, so you'll get to meet them in the morning." He said.

Maddison sleepily nodded, smiling when Steve adjusted the two again, putting Maddison against him while he laid on his back. She loved using his firm chest as a pillow and feeling his lips on her forehead throughout the night.

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