28 - Maddison

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** A/N **
I thought I had posted this chapter 3 days ago along with the latest chapter of the Bucky story. Sorry!! I'll post 2 today to make up for it haha!

Maddison drove down to the bakery to pick up the cake for Avery's first birthday. Steve had Avery for the afternoon so she could get a couple of errands done without having to worry about a screaming kid in the back seat. She couldn't believe that the two of them lived together. It was the perfect situation. Steve lived there, but he didn't spend every waking moment at her house. She wanted to spend all the time she could with him, but she also knew that if he was always around she would neglect sleep, neglect homework and studying just to be around him. So during the day he was usually at Bucky and Emilia's house with Avery, and he came home every night and made dinner. It was the perfect arrangement. He didn't even get offended when occasionally she'd ask him to spend time with Emilia and Bucky, just wanting a little time alone with Avery. Heck, even the occasional day where Maddison wanted a day to herself, Steve would take Avery to Emilia and Bucky's and let her enjoy an afternoon to herself. She couldn't believe he was so considerate to her needs, sometimes knowing what she needed before she even had the chance to say it.

The party was later today, Emilia had decorated her backyard beautifully. She'd even cooked all the food, all Maddison had to do was pick up the cake, wrap the gifts and provide the birthday girl. She felt guilty that Emilia had taken over everything else, but it took so much stress off of her shoulders that she couldn't even argue. She grabbed the cake for the guests and the large cupcake for Avery to smash for pictures. She had that idea in her head for months, Avery behind a background smashing and eating away at a giant cupcake with an unlit "1" candle in the middle. It sounded perfect. It was going to be adorable.

The bakery workers had to help Maddison load the cake in the back, luckily it had came in a protective box since it was a three tier cake. She made a quick pitstop for coffee on her way back to Emilia's house, calling Steve while she waited for her turn to order. "Hey, angel. You on the way back?" Steve asked when he answered.

Maddison smiled at the sound of his voice. "Yeah, baby. I made a stop for coffee. Did you, Emilia, or Bucky want one?" She asked. She felt rude showing up without offering to get them a drink, especially since the party was being hosted at their house. But she also knew how Steve was addicted to coffee just as much as she was.

Steve laughed on his side of the phone. "Yeah, sure. Large black coffee." He requested.

Maddison rolled her eyes. "One of these days you're going to have to order a real drink, old man." She teased.

Steve huffed out a laugh. "Fine, order me what you think I'll like, not too sweet. And Buck will take a large iced coffee, black no sugar. Theres cash in your center console. Don't you dare pay for it yourself." Steve replied.

Maddison blushed lightly, of course Steve had snuck money in her car. Well, his car. She still felt weird about calling it her car even though he'd signed the title over to her. "Of course you did, well unfortunatley for you, I'm already in line. If I had to run back out to the car I'd lose my place in line." She said with a small laugh.

"Angel.." Steve started, Maddison cut him off with a quick laugh. "Darn it, driving through a tunnel. Spotty service. I... cut...service. I love you!" She said, cutting off her own voice jokingly as if she was driving out of service. She heard Steve laugh and say a quick "I love you" before she ended the call. She stepped forward in line, ordering everyone coffee and a blueberry vanilla scone for Emilia to snack on, and so she wouldn't feel left out that she wasn't drinking coffee while they were trying to get pregnant.

Maddison sipped on her iced vanilla latte the entire way back to Emilia's house, enjoying the peaceful drive alone. She was able to listen to her music as loudly as she wanted and she could drive with the windows down without disturbing Avery in the back seat. Sometimes it was nice to have an afternoon baby free, even though she felt guilty about thinking like that.

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