4 - Maddison

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Maddison woke up to the sound of Charlotte squealing. She jumped up so fast that the room spun, making her hold onto her head for dear life. When she got her bearing again, she hopped up, seeing the empty crib and that the sun had already risen. She groggily stumbled out into the livingroom, seeing Jackson feeding Charlotte soft scrambled eggs while Scott worked on his own breakfast. Those two were obsessed with Charlotte, it was the cutest thing she'd ever seen. She knew the two wanted to adopt a baby, but it so far hadn't happened for them. So they were always more than willing to look after her daughter. They even offered to adopt her when Maddison showed up on their doorstep crying about being pregnant and her ex walking out. But she knew from the moment she saw those two pink lines, she was going to love that baby with everything she had.

"It's alive." Scott said in a teasing tone when he looked up and made eye contact with Maddison. She flipped him off before going straight to the coffee machine. She smiled as the warm coffee woke up her body and somewhat soothed her throbbing head. But it wasn't enough, so she took a massive bite of the biscuit on Scott's plate, hoping some carbs would soothe the nausea. "You look like shit, babe. Maybe sleep it off a little longer. But wash your face first, you're a mess." Scott teased.

"And you're such a charmer." Maddison replied with a mouth still full of biscuit.

"Seriously though, babe. We've got Avery for a few more hours, no big deal. Hell, we'll take her all day if you want to go home and catch up on sleep or homework." Jackson said more seriously. Avery was Charlotte's middle name, almost everyone called her that. It was what Maddison preferred.

Maddison smiled appreciatively. "That's sweet, guys. But I've missed her so much this week, I really just want to spend the weekend with Avery before it all starts up again Monday." She said with a sad sigh. She was glad she had the chance to go back to school. Grateful she was able to get babysitting like she did, but she was so tired. Weekdays usually consisted of working 8am until 5pm, then a long subway trip home. She'd get around 2 hours of sleep if she was lucky before she had to be in class from 9pm until 3am. She'd get home around 4am and do homework until it was time to get Avery and herself ready for the day. She'd sleep on her hour lunch break at work and if she was able, she'd sleep on the subway to and from work. Her life was exhausting. But on the weekends, she had no class or work, so she could be the mom she wanted to be. She could actually sleep.

Jackson gave her a knowing smile and nodded. "If you say so, babe. But call us if you want a nap later, we can come watch her while you do or just sit on the couch if you want to nap together." He promised. "But tell me about that hulking model of a man that drove you home last night in that car that cost more than your house." He teased.

Maddison rolled her eyes, but blushed at the memory of Steve driving her home. He was such a gentleman, he didn't even stop her when she planted a far too embarrassing kiss right on his mouth as a thank you. "He's my bosses best friend, his names Steve. He was really nice." She explained.

"Ooo. And please tell me you got this guys number." Scott pleaded. Avery squealed, slapping her hands down onto the table of her highchair. "See, Miss Avery agrees." Scott added with a teasing tone.

Maddison rolled her eyes while she lightly shook her head no. "I was a little too drunk to think of it, but I wish I had. He was cute." She admitted to her two favorite adults.

"Well, you said he's your bosses friend. Ask Emilia for his number, I'm sure she'd give it to you." Jackson suggested. Maddison nodded, thinking that was a pretty good idea. But, maybe after a shower. She felt gross. "I think I will. Can I grab a shower before I take her home?" She asked. Both the guys nodded, Scott waving her off and focusing solely on Avery.

Maddison headed back towards the guest bathroom, seeing one of the guys had already headed to her house and grabbed her some comfy clothes. Probably Scott. He had her set out a pair of pajama shorts, just black silk shorts with witchy designs on them and a matching, but plain black silk tank top. Of course no bra or panties, why would Scott remember that she had tits? She laughed at that, but stripped off the minimal clothes she had on and stepped into the shower. The hot water helped to wake her up, but also relaxed her muscles. This week had been hell, three separate nights her professor had held her after class. One morning was to yell at her for falling asleep while watching one of the students practice setting an IV for 45 minutes, she didn't get it. The other two mornings were to remind her that they had clinicals in two weeks. Every day for a week they would go straight from class to an assisted living facility to shadow fellow RN's until 8:45am. Meaning every day for that week, she would have to be an hour late to work. It also meant her precious nap in the mornings wasn't happening, and she wouldn't get to see Avery much that week. Overall, she was pissed about it, but it had to be done.

When Maddison stepped out of the shower, she brushed through her hair, luckily it was pretty cooperative and she was able to untangle it and braid it pretty quickly. She took advantage of Scott's overpriced skincare and lotioned up every inch of her body with the beautiful smelling lotion before getting dressed. A faint knock at the bathroom door stopped her halfway through applying Scott's overpriced face lotion. Scott popped his head in the doorway a second later. "Hey, babe. There's some hot ass man knocking on your door." He said, winking at her.

Maddison raised an eyebrow, but hurried through the moisturizer before heading out into their livingroom. She peaked her head through the curtains of one of their side windows that showed her house, seeing Steve standing at her door. The motorcycle she saw last night was in her driveway and he had a grocery bag in his hand. "That's Steve. What is he doing here? Didn't I embarrass myself enough last night?" She asked, more to herself than to Scott.

"Babe, the way her was eyeing you last night, I don't think anything would've scared him off." Jackson chimed in with as he joined his husband and friend at the window to oggle at Steve. "You gonna just leave him standing there like an idiot?" Jackson asked.

"Oh, shit. No." Maddison quickly said. She hurried to the door, slipping on a pair of Scott's oversized sandals and grabbing her house keys. When she turned around, Jackson waved her off while still holding Avery in his arms, clearly content watching her daughter for a few minutes.

Maddison scurried out the door, smiling shyly at Steve when he heard her and made eye contact. "How's the hangover?" He asked. Maddison laughed, shrugging her shoulders. She had her arms across her chest, trying to hide the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra. Her thick tattoo sleeved arms covered what they could of her generous chest. "Shit. I haven't been up long, maybe 20 minutes." She answered honestly.

Steve scratched the back of his neck lightly, his free hand lifting the grocery bag. "I brought a few things that could help." He said. Maddison smiled, seeing how he almost seemed nervous.

"Thank you." Maddison offered. She walked from Scott and Jackson's house and unlocked her door, stepping inside and letting Steve follow her. She was more than grateful that her house was mostly clean, she'd even cleaned up all the toys in the livingroom the night before. So her home actually looked like a normal 26 year Olds house, all Avery's toys in a wooden chest along the back of the couch. She slipped her sandals off, smiling when Steve mimicked her and pulled his shoes off as well. He followed her into her kitchen while she set up the coffee pot to make a pot of coffee for them. She was anxious about telling him she had to go get her daughter, that was usually when men went running. The second she tells them about the adorable 7 month old hanging on her hip, they're already halfway out the door.

Maddison watched as Steve sat the bag on the counter and slowly pulled everything out. He'd bought her pedialite, 2 different flavors. He also got her some aspirin, a very unhealthy but delicious looking cinnamon roll and some tums. He almost looked nervous when he made eye contact with her. "Thank you so much. I'm sorry if I said anything embarrassing last night." She said nervously.

Steve laughed, shaking his head no. But it didn't feel believable. "What did I do?" Maddison asked. Steve simply shrugged. "You told me your secret." He said. But that made Maddison nervous. He already knew about Miss Charlotte Avery? Yet he showed up anyway? No guy had ever done that, every guy she'd dated since she had Avery had hit the road at the first mention of her. "You know, that you're actually Captian America." Steve elaborated.

Maddison almost sorted out a laugh, her face turning a brilliant shade of red. "Normally I go with Batman, I'm surprised I picked a real person this time." She admitted as she laughed through her embarrassment.

"You sure did. Ever met him?" Steve asked. The curious look on her face had Maddison confused and a little suspicious. She shook her head no. "That explains it." Steve mumbled under his breath.

Steve sighed before standing up straight. Maddison almost laughed at the size difference. She was 5'3 and a chubby, he was a skyscraper that looked like he hadn't eaten a carb in a decade. But the serious look on his face had her a little nervous. "Maddison, I'm Captian America. I thought you knew last night and was teasing me." He blurted out.

Maddison's eyes about popped out of her head in surprise. "You're...what? Wait..huh?" She managed to get out. She shook her head, collecting herself before trying again. "You're. Wait, shit. You're Steve Rogers. Captian Steve Rogers..." She said when it finally hit her where she'd heard that name before, outside of Emilia mentioning him in passing. He was Captian America, like it was really him. Holy shit!

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