34 - Maddison

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Maddison didn't want to get up. But Steve biting her nipple had her wide awake, in several ways. She huffed in sexual frustration before climbing out of bed. She took her time rounding the bed to grab herself something to wear. She bent over right in front of Steve in hopes of getting back at him. Based on the way his hand gripped her ass, it worked. She grinned victoriously, swatting his hand away and making her way into the bathroom to get dressed. "Tease." Steve called out as she shut the door.

Maddison chuckled, quickly getting dressed into something comfortable for the day. She threw on her bathing suit, adding a somewhat sheer loose, flowy t-shirt dress and adding the deoderant she'd bought for her chub rub. She skipped the sunscreen for now, figuring she'd put it on before they left. But she did comb her hair out and throw it in a loose braid.

Steve was smiling and feeding Avery some scrambled eggs and fruit when Maddison walked out. "Sleep well, angel?" He asked sweetly.

Maddison smiled back, heading to sit next to him at the small table when he pulled her into his lap. "Wonderfully. A little chilly, seems my pajamas got ruined somehow." She teased.

Steve put his hand on her plump ass, squeezing a little. "Is that so? Weird how easily silk just falls apart." He said with a casual shrug.

Maddison laughed, rolling her eyes at him. She started to put cream cheese on a bagel for him as well as another for herself. His hands seemed to be full, with one he was feeding Avery, and the other was on her ass. "Weird how that works, isn't it?" She said with a laugh.

"I'll order you more." Steve promised.

Maddison smiled, picking up his bagel and feeding him a bite. "Thank you, love." She said sweetly. She loved taking care of him just as much as she loved when he took care of her.

Steve finished chewing his bite, feeding Avery another bite of her eggs. "Anything for you, angel." He said to her. Maddison blushed at that, bumping into his side lightly.

By the time breakfast was done, the sun was fully risen and the boardwalk could be heard from their hotel room. It made Maddison excited for a day in the sun and the water with her family. She felt a little insecure at the thought of walking around in a bathing suit and a thin cover around so many people, especially with Steve shirtless next to her. It almost made her want to lie and say she wasn't feeling well and just let Steve and Avery enjoy the day in the water. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Steve asked her.

Maddison smiled at that, wrapping her arms around his torso. It was hard for her to tell herself that she couldn't hate her own body. She had to remind herself that she refused to let Avery grow up with a mom that hid away, criticized herself and talked badly about herself. That is just how the viscious cycle continues and Avery would grow up to hate how she looks. She refused to let that happen to their little girl. She wanted Avery to be confident in her body and in herself when she grew up. Althought she already assumed with her and Steve's morning runs, she wouldn't end up overweight like she was. "Nothing." She lied, not wanting to get into it right then. She figured she could tell him the worries in her head later, maybe at home. She didn't want to ruin their vacation with her insecurities of herself.

Steve raised an eyebrow at Maddison, squeezing her ass lightly. "You sure?" He asked.

Maddison could tell that Steve already assumed what was going on, but she didn't want to get into it. She just wanted to enjoy her vacation. "Yeah, ready?" She asked, smiling up at her gorgeous man.

Steve carried Avery while Maddison carried the diaper bag. The three walked down the boardwalk until they reached the water park. Avery happily babbled along, being the attention loving girl she was, she waved at everyone that agknowledged the three while they walked. She'd wave, laugh, and smile at everyone. "We're raising quite the extrovert." Maddison mentioned with a small laugh.

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