3 - Steve

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Steve woke up before the sun as usual, he liked to get his day started early and he didn't sleep much anyway. The oversized guest bedroom he was given was so beautiful. It had a large king sized bed, nightstands on each side and plenty of room for anything else he could need, but he kept it bare. He still felt guilty about living in Emilia and Bucky's home. Ever since Emilia told him about the death benefit that she'd so wisely invested, he debated buying his own place. Emilia and Bucky deserved their alone time, but both of them promised that after all these years of being forced apart, they wanted him to stay. They both promised if he chose to leave, they wanted him to know it was his choice and not that they wanted him to go. They both promised they wanted him there for as long as he wanted to be there. Steve didn't want to admit that he liked living with them, it felt wrong to impose on his best friends. But it also felt right to be so close to his two favorite people all the time.

Steve hopped up, changing into a pair of workout pants and a tight plain t-shirt before heading off for his morning run. He ran all around Brooklyn, not heading back until the sun was fully risen and all his frustrations were worked out. Driving Maddison home last night was hilarious and wonderful, he wanted to keep talking to her. Even before she got too drunk to make sense, she was hilarious and fun to talk to. But then the neighbor came strolling out in his underwear and she immediately clung to him like a liferaft. He didn't need to ask to know that they were together, he'd called her babe and wrapped his arms around her so tightly as he almost carried her into the house. But then, why did she kiss him? He wasn't mad at her for it, she was drunk. He was mad at himself for liking it so much. He was sad that she was taken, before that man came out, he had planned to ask for her number. He knew it would be a while before he could get that gorgeous, curvy redhead out of his mind.

When Steve reached the house, he could hear that Bucky was awake but Emilia wasn't. Still, he didn't want to bother his friends. So he started working on his backyard project again. He'd made a stone walkway from the back patio to the edge of the property where he'd built a hangout area. The area was concreted with several rod iron chairs surrounding a homemade iron fire pit. He also had citronella all around the chairs to keep the bugs away at night. He was currently working on splitting wood to put in the wood shed he'd build for it. He found a company that had cut trees down for being a risk to the electrical lines, they handed it over for nothing. So he'd been out here the last couple of mornings, ripping the wood into more manageable pieces in case Emilia needed to stoke the fire. But he knew Bucky would never allow her to have to tend to the fire if he was out there, he was still old fashioned to think that any type of manual labor was his job while his wife relaxed. But he was also modern enough to insist he split up the workload in the house, usually taking more of it for himself than he'd leave for Emilia. It was sweet how they'd bicker about who got to do the dishes. It was adorable to see Bucky attempt to scold Emilia for taking out the trash or do something rather than relax, they were the perfect couple. He wanted that for himself.

"I thought you were done out here until the Blackstone got delivered?" Bucky asked as he walked down the stone walkway to where Steve was working. Steve simply shrugged, ripping a log in half lengthwise. "That should be tomorrow or the next day, I haven't gotten a call yet." Steve answered.

Bucky laughed, rolling his eyes and moving to help his friend split up the wood. "How'd it go last night with Maddison? Tell me you at least got her number." He asked.

Steve sighed, shaking his head no. "I was going to, until I pulled up at her house and her neighbor came outside." He said. When Bucky gave him a look of pure confusion, he elaborated. "The second her neighbor stepped out onto the porch, she jumped on him. He called her babe and helped her into his house instead of hers. She has a boyfriend, Buck." He said with a rough sigh.

Brooklyn - Steve Rogers X OC SpinoffWhere stories live. Discover now