Chapter 35: Regrets and Remorse

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A/N: Here's a longer chapter!  Prepare yourself, I'm quite proud of this chapter! Things are changing in the story, aren't they?

I held my glare, causing him to snicker with a smug grin. "Wipe that grin off of your stupid face or I'll do it for you." I growled. He knew what he was doing, he wasn't innocent by any means.

"Oh?" He leaned closer, "Is that a threat~?"

In a quick motion I slightly shoved him away and launched my right foot into his jaw with a loud crack, the sound of a few mental prices falling to the floor could be heard echoing.

"It was a promise." I stated.

The tall bunny stumbled backwards, holding his jaw, which had now completely come off on one side, leaving him to uselessly attempt to put it back in place. He snapped his head up to look me in the eye intensely.

"You're abusive-!!" He gasped dramatically, pointing an accusing finger towards me.

I blinked in disbelief, "Me?! You broke my ribs! YOU'RE abusive!" I shouted in defense, hopping off of the desk.

He seemed to clench his fist and almost curl his mechanical face into a scowl, but it his expression changed as he huffed, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He looked back at me with a calm expression.

"I'm sorry." he spoke.

I blinked in surprise. "What?" I asked quickly, not sure if I had misheard him.

"I said.. I'm.. sorry." He repeated, looking as if he had to resist the urge to roll his eyes and scoff.

I blinked again. "For real?"

The rabbit sighed, adverting his eyes to the wall, leaving a blank expression to settle into his mechanical features. "Did you like the flowers?"

I knitted my brows, looking at the floor for a moment to try and remember... flowers? What flow-..


The hospital..!

"You...? Got me flowers..? Those were from you!?" I gasped, laying a hand on my head. He met my eyes again, tilting his head slightly, his ears clicking as they shifted and drooped to the side. The corner of his animatronic mouth twitch upward slightly, almost forming a genuine smile, but the movement was too small to be considered a smile. "Yeah I did, I guess it apology.." his dropped his expression back to being emotionless, turning away and shifting his weight.

I eyed the floor, feeling weird. There's no way...Right? I sighed quietly, but felt the need to speak. "I did like the flowers.." I said quietly, unsure if he heard me or not, but when I saw him slightly turn his face to me, only enough that I could see his eyes, that I knew he must've heard me. His mouth twitched into a grin as he turned away again, leaving the office.

I went to sit in my chair with a scrambled brain, laying the back of my hands on my face, realizing how much heat had risen to my face during the conversation. Why would a kid killer apologize to me? I doubt he ever apologized to those children he killed... I shook my head, sighing. But that was very nice of him... I suppose...

He's still creepy as fuck.

I was spaced out, but I worked on the cameras and system for a moment, before I suddenly remembered that I wanted to ask questions.

I reboot everything before quickly standing up from my seat, proceeded to speed walk to the door before stopping suddenly. "Wait why don't I just check the cameras..?....I'm a dumbass." I huffed.

The problem is, I couldn't find him on the cameras now. Why does he hide so well?

"I never get to do things the easy way, do I?" I sighed, pressing an audio button on a nearby camera, hoping that it might get his attention.

I stepped into the hallway, looking around.
I huffed after a few minutes of unsuccessful searching.

Tiny footsteps behind me made me turn with caution, leaving me in confusion when I saw nothing. I was now almost to the arcade room when the footsteps returned, except it was many small footsteps now. I turned around to see the ghost children.
"Hey Y/N!" Charlie spoke, two children behind her that I think were Jeremy and Gabriel, but I wasn't sure. I shuddered, remembering the nightmares.
"Oh hi..!" I greeted, trying to hide my nervousness.

"I wanted you to meet some of the others." Charlie giggled, taking my hand.


Springtrap's POV

"Hm... now where is it?" I hummed, digging through the arcade room for something I had found and apparently misplaced. I stayed hidden from the camera, I wasn't fond of being watched.

" it is." I clicked my tongue...  somehow.

I picked up the stuffed golden rabbit, raising the limp plush to my chest as I gazed down at it. For a moment, I had wondered what had made it so special to the girl, and why an adult woman with a job would carry a silly little toy stuffed animal them, but then a memory flashed before my eyes.

I remembered those e/c eyes possessed by that small little girl with h/c locks, I remembered the little yellow rabbit she never left behind, I had never seen her without it. I remembered that one of the days she had smiled opening a small gift, holding the plush close to her small frame. But most of all, I remember her name as I placed the cake on her table, f/c icing spelling out her name. Y/N. The smile that graced her face reflected the kindness in the little girl's heart, and I was grateful that Charolette and the others had stopped me the day I almost took her from this world, and for a moment, I felt an ache in my chest as my tainted heart fell heavy, a knot forming in my stomach as I thought. Y/N had grown to be such a nice person(with exceptions)... if I had never taken the lives of Charolette, Jeremy, Suzie, Fritz, Gabriele, and even Cassidy... would they have also turned into wonderful people?

I couldn't shake the unfamiliarity of the feeling that began to weigh on me. It was a feeling that made me feel heavy, unwilling to move. In a sense, it ached and hurt. The feeling settled in the center of my chest where people would have a heart, but being the monster I am... I refuse to believe I have anything left of a heart in my rotten soul.

But now I begin to analyze the feeling, i lowly begin to understand the aching weight.

Now I know more of how much I can still feel...

And I feel regret.

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