Chapter 34: Arcade Error

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For the next 10 minutes I had been boredly flipping through the cameras, trying to ignore the fact that Springtrap was just standing in the doorway staring creepily. I occasionally would check the doorway camera just to see if I was lucky enough for him to get bored and leave, which, I wasn't.

Why's he just standing there? I let out an annoyed sigh and spun my chair to face him.

"Can't you find something better to do than stare?" I groaned, watching him shift his weight now that he had my attention.

"Not really, have you seen this place?" He grumbled. "Aren't there arcade machines?" I said bluntly, looking at my nails. "They don't work." He huffed, I looked up at him with knitted brows.

"What do you mean? They work just fine for me..." I questioned, standing up after rebooting the system to maintain the good status.

"Don't know, they just stay with a black screen. I tried to find a power button but the stupid things don't turn on at all." He snorted, turning to the side to lean against the door frame.

"Interesting." I muttered, making my way to the door. I was curious to see if something changed about the arcades. Did they actually stop working?

I motioned for Springtrap to move out of the way, since he was literally blocking the door. He ignored me and just watched me with an unamused expression. I looked at him, "Wow you must be comfortable, can you please move."

"Hmm, nah." He smirked slightly.

I turned around quietly and took a few steps towards my desk before abruptly turning back around to face the rabbit. "Why can't you ever make things easy for me?" I sighed, stepping forward. He looked at me with a slightly questioning expression, looking like he was about to say something.

I interrupted him by suddenly stomping forward and shoving him out of the doorway, the lack of support from the doorway causing him to humorously fall with a loud metallic clang, leaving him to glare at me from the floor. I quickly walked past him towards the arcade area, hearing him snicker before getting up to follow me.

"You're a Bi-" he started as we entered the arcade room, to which I cut him off with a "Oh look! Working arcades!" I faked excitement, turning to glance at him as if to say guess who's right.

"Are you being sarcastic or schizophrenic? Because those are some dead looking arcades." He asked, as if he wasn't sure if he should be laughing.

****Springtrap's POV****

The girl turned back to me with a confused look, before turning back to the the blank screens. What's so confusing about this? She stood for a moment, before letting out a dry laugh that sounded rather forced. "Ahh probably schizophrenic.... This place makes me schizophrenic. You make me schizophrenic." The woman huffed, causing me to scoff. She turned back to the hall that lead back the way we came and lazily walking back to the office. I contemplated on following her. I mean, is there any point? ... but I'm terribly bored...

Maybe it would be nice to have an actual conversation with the guard, not like I care but...

It's been awhile since I've felt human.


**normal pov**

Slipping back into the dull and depressing office, I checked the time. "2 am? That's it?" I sighed.

Oh wait... I had questions...

"Gah, what was I supposed to ask??" I muttered, holding my head in my hands as I took no interest in the cameras. Whatever that rabbit was up to, I couldn't care less. For a moment I wondered where all of the ghost children had went, but I shook the thought away after remembering the gruesome nightmare they gave me. Those kids weren't so cute and sweet anymore.

I sighed, turning to the doorway to see if Springtrap had followed me by any chance. "Spring-" my voice was cut off by me being lifted suddenly out of my chair and flipped around to face the corpse bunny, who had finally let go of me, leaving me sitting in the edge of the desk where he had placed me. "That's not my name~..." Springtrap hummed, an amused grin plastered on his face as he had both hands placed beside my knees on either side.

My mind didn't quite process what happened until i suddenly  grew suspicious of his tone of voice he had used, which was extremely odd. The thing I noticed next was the odd position I was in. I sat leaned back slightly on the edge of the desk, legs parted just slightly with Springtrap's robotic hands placed on either side of me, and him leaning down slightly to be closer to my level.

I did not appreciate this awkward position. A bit of heat rose to my cheeks in embarrassment as I met his eyes with a glare.

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