Chapter 14: Torment

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Thanks for 125 reads! Ps this image just looked too cool to not use ^^

I got home, feeling completely exhausted, but also relieved to finally have a break from work. I turned off my alarm.

Now I could sleep...

I laid down, drifting off to sleep as soon as I closed my eyes....


I heard a notification sound come from my phone. I groaned, turning over on my side and peeking one eye open. I laid there a moment, eyes shut again as I began to doze off again.


I growled as my eyes shot open and I snatched my phone from my nightstand, staring at it in annoyance.

Michael texted me.

"We can hang out later on today when you wake up" his text read, "Catch up on sleep, text me when you wake up"

I furrowed my eyebrows at his message.

How did he know I was going to sleep?


"How did you know I was going to sleep?" I texted with concern. "Jeremy talks about you a lot, he told me you had the night shift so I assumed that's when you'd sleep, since that's when I usually sleep on night shifts" he replied.

I hummed to myself in thought. I decided to just text him an "alright".

I really just want sleep right now.


I sniffed the air, immediately recognized the smell as smoke.

I looked around me as I began to hear singing children.

I was in one of the pizzeria locations, but I couldn't figure out which one.

Despite the flames licking at my legs, it didn't burn me or my clothing, it didn't even catch fire.

I wandered towards the singing voices that seemed to echo all around me.

"London bridge is falling down" they sang

I peered into a room where I saw a burning poster of the original Chica, along with a few burning yellow animatronic arms that seemed to be scattered along the ground.

"Falling down"

The eerie singing echoed over the roaring flames as I flinched at the sound of something far away collapsing.

"Falling down"

I left the room, wandering into an area with burning curtains that singed away to reveal a stage with a tall golden bear with dark red liquid dripping from its mouth. I stared into the empty sockets.

"London bridge is falling down"

Smoke began to sting my lungs.

Suddenly the bear animatronic turned its head towards me as I heard childish giggling echo around me.

I immediately turned and ran the opposite direction.

"My fair lady"

I ran through the burning halls, tripping on scattered animatronic parts, gasping as I fell into the wall. My eyes widened when the wall gave out from the impact and crumbled, leaving me to fall into a strange room untouched by flames.

I pushed myself up from the floor as the flames crawled into the room, the light revealing a horrific sight.

Before me sat a rotten rabbit I recognized as the Springtrap, but it was far more horrifying.

The smell of burning flesh hit my nose as I forced myself to stand and watch in horror as the creature began to stand.

Springtrap was covered in rips and holes revealing far more rotten flesh then I could recall even being present on him. His eyes had a more fleshy yellow and reddish pink look to them. His entire bottom jaw was broken off and it revealed the disgusting corpse mouth that was agape, teeth being displaced and red droopy flesh looking as if it had been melted and burned.

I wanted to run so badly, but my legs felt frozen in place from fear.

The Springtrap began to rapidly approach me, it's eyes glowing an ominous amber color.

The fire began to sting my lower legs as I finally snapped out of my trance, turning in my heel and rushing out of the room into the halls aflame. Smoke burned my lungs as I ran, hopping over the many animatronic remnants that threatened to make me fall. A growl ripped through the bunny's course throat as it's loud stomps we're heard throughout the hall as they pursued me.

I turned a corner and ran to the closest doorway to duck into, but I quickly slid to a stop when I saw a ghostly figure in the doorway.

It was horrific sight of a brunette boy covered in blood with black empty sockets that had nothing but white pinpricks to show a consciousness, accompanied with black blood dripping from the eyes; his skin was so deathly pale it was more of a shade of gray.

He giggled, "He loves playing hide and seek!"

Blood covered the floor all around him, my eyes twitched back and forth with fear as I began hastily trying to find another path to escape.

I ran to another doorway, my lungs struggling from the lack of oxygen, yet it wasn't quite unbearable yet. I didn't make it far through the doorway before I was stopped in the hallway by another ghost, a little dark haired boy who grinned up at me, covered in blood and similar eyes and skin to the other ghost.

"Don't you wanna playyy~?" The boy giggled.

I turned to go down the other end of the hallway but halted when I saw a tall marionette hovering over a dark haired girl I knew as Charlie, striped tentacles flailing from behind her menacingly.

"You will not be spared." She spoke in a whisper.

Without any other choice, I hurried back the way I came, running through the doorways away from the ghosts.

While running I slightly turned to see the ghosts begin to follow me to my horror. I ran to a doorway, and without looking slammed into the chest of a withered rabbit.

As soon as I fell to the ground, I was roughly snatched up into the air by my neck.

I whimpered as I was forced to stare into the dead amber eyes that glared into my soul. I struggled against his strong grip, clawing at his hand as he held me in the air effortlessly, as if I weighed nothing.

"You're not getting away this time..." he growled threateningly with his wicked voice.

He dropped me, stepping on my chest painfully to keep me from running, I gasped for air but the fire began to eat at my skin and the smoke had filled my lungs, depriving me from oxygen.
"You'll never leave us" he said, the voices of children speaking with him.
The Springtrap lifted his mask's upper jaw to reveal horrible eyes of his corpse.

"You'll burn with us."

A blood curdling scream ripped through my throat as the burning flames overtook us.

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