Chapter 13: The Springtrap

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Been vibing to this song lately tbh^^

No matter how many times I've seen it, I couldn't prepare myself for the fear that took over me in that moment.

Before me stood that tall as fuck rotten smelling, creepy ass, no friends having, moldy green rabbit that was once golden...

Wait... golden?

"Horrible state he's in now isn't it?" A young voice spoke from behind me, which I recognized as Charlie, but I refused to take my eyes off of the monstrosity.

"What... is he?" I asked.

"An evil man, who like us, is trapped and refuses to die..."

I stared, speechless with realization being just out of reach of my mind.

"Don't be afraid Y/N, he won't hurt you, not as long as I am here." Charlie calmed me.

His jaw hung open slightly, confirming my previous suspicions, I could see the rotten mouth behind the mask, being kept wide open in a permanent face of agony by bars and crossbeams that impaled the face from various parts of the suit he wore to hide.

"How did he get like this?" I wondered.

Charlie giggled.

"After he broke us apart, he thought he could hide, in this suit, we were afraid at first... but he got what he deserved when the springlocks in the suit broke loose..." she paused to laugh a little, "it was soooo bloody, what a mess! Too bad he didn't die, but now he's trapped here with us."

I looked towards her finally, seeing her grinning ear to ear, but it was far from a smile of kindness.

"We call him the 'Springtrap' now... I think it fits him well."

I looked back towards the glass, noticing that 'the Springtrap' had moved slightly, though I was surprised when he started moving more, twitching as it closed its gaping jaw and leaned towards the glass slightly, and while it had been watching Charlie previously, his eyes were now piercing my soul.

He almost seemed like he was studying me.

That brought another uncomfortable thought into my mind...

This was the one in the rabbit suit from all those years ago? That's...awfully disturbing. I never could have known I'd see such a person again, especially in this horrific condition. It was weird to think about...

But the question at hand now was... did he recognize me?

I squinted my eyes at the Springtrap, nearly glaring as I mumbled "creepy ass hoe". The rabbit leaned closer the the glass, widening his eyes and opening his mouth slightly, likely to try and scare me.

"Do you think...he recognizes me?" I finally asked, unsure what I wanted the answer to be.

"Hmmm....I'm not sure really! Probably a good thing if he doesn't." Charlie spoke with strange enthusiasm.

My eyes darted back to the glass as Springtrap began to menacingly stalk towards the doorway as if stalking prey while keeping his eyes on me, specifically. I sent a worried glance towards Charlie, but she seemed unfazed by his movements, so I tried hard to keep my composure, as the Springtrap went out of view from the window.

I still could hear his echoing footsteps though, and I could have sworn I heard some sort of raspy croaking noise come from the direction I assumed the rabbit was.

After a few seconds I saw the rotten bunny peek it's head out from around the corner, peering in at us before stepping out from behind the doorway, remaining slightly hunched over as it continued to stalk toward ME, hardly even acknowledging Charlie, which made me began to panic inside.

I tried to stand my ground without stepping back from the horrifying creature, but I couldn't control how my body began slightly shaking from fear.

"Y-you're absolutely sure he can't hurt me??" I mentally cursed myself for my accidental stutter.

"Huh? Oh no I said won't! Not can't!" Charlie laughed.

"Charlie?? What do you mean WONT?!" I nearly shouted as I began to lean back away from the rabbit that was now getting very close up.

A rotten and deep, raspy chuckle was emitted from the rabbit, a terrifying voice that felt like the embodiment of evil. My eyes widened m, a shiver running down my spine. Springtrap was now less than a foot away from my face, as it threateningly stood to its full height, towering over me with his yellow, dead eyes watching me closely, twitching every few seconds. It was horrifying, and I found my self paralyzed in fear under his evil gaze.


I averted my eyes and looked to Charlie, who no longer held a smile.

"I think he recognizes you."

I gulped, eyes widening, if they even could widen anymore.

I looked up to the withered bunny, seeing it now had a sort of 'blank' expression, even though it couldn't show much expression in the first place. It started twitching violently.

"Your breath stinks." I mumbled just loud enough for the rabbit to hear me, I really wasn't wrong either. He glared at me.

I nervously chuckled, shuffling away from and around the killer rabbit, that continued twitching, as if fighting against an unseen force, it twitched as it turned its head to face me and follow my movements creepily.

"Haha... uhhh Charlie why does he want to kill me anyways? I literally didn't do anything." I questioned nervously, glancing at the time.

5:30 am

'Ughhhhhhh' I groaned mentally.

"Well... maybe it's because he didn't get to kill you back then...? Or... he doesn't want anyone alive to know the truth...?" Charlie pondered, shrugging.

"So... how come he isn't killing me now?" I asked, Charlie chuckled, "Silly, I'm keeping him from doing anything! Just because I'm dead doesn't mean I'm powerless!" Charlie said proudly.

I just hummed in acknowledgment, now just kind of staring.

"My power is limited though..." Charlie spoke somewhat nervously, which concerned me, "I can't hold him forever."

Charlie walked up to Springtrap, hands behind her back childishly as she looked up at the monster.

"Seeing you like music to me." Charlie giggled, but it sounded threatening.

When the 6 am bell rang I felt like I was practically jumping for joy. Charlie waved at me with a smile before vanishing, while the rabbit remained frozen, staring down at an empty space.

I walked up to the rabbit, a cocky grin forming on my face.

"Damn... scared of a little girl? A dead one? But aren't you dead too?" I chuckled, then I booped his nose and left, as if I wasn't quaking in my boots at the sight of him less than 5 minutes ago.

I didn't think he could hear me, either way, my ass is getting PAID. 💅

And I won't have to deal with any of that place till next week.


Hello readers! Hope you're enjoying the book so far! I'm trying to start some new books, even though I probably shouldn't considering I'm bad with updating... I want to work on the moondrop book and a new William afton x reader I was thinking about, but of course, this book will be my main focus for now!

Also, this book will have more than one ending and Springtrap will probably have a human form! So don't worry about how concerning it is to have a relationship with a walking corpse!

I'll probably design his human form myself or just let your imagination do the work, anyways, let me know if you'd like that in the book!

"ʏᴏᴜ'ʟʟ ʙᴜʀɴ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴜꜱ"Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora