Chapter 11: The Past Pt.2

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It was little Y/N's birthday, and she couldn't be happier in that moment, holding her yellow bunny plush, surrounded by her friends and other kids, and the iconic animatronics.

Freddy Fazbear's Pizza had always had a place in her little heart.

She had only eaten one slice of her birthday cake, but being that young that's all she really needed. She smiled with joy as she stared up at the stage. Seeing the shiny characters dance and sing brought her great happiness. It was a dream come true for young Y/N.

She reached her little arms up towards the blue bunny, who played their guitar along with the band, not sparing her a glance, much to her disappointment.

But the little girl wouldn't let that ruin her birthday.

She let her arms fall to her sides, but her smile still spread across her cheeks as she ran to the party rooms giggling, her friends still sitting at the table and laughing amongst each other.

Little Y/N ran to the party room with the pink and white fox, who was one of her favorites. The little girl remembered when the fox, who she remembered as Foxy, stood up like the other animatronics, tall and beautiful with her tail swaying. It made Y/N sad to see the change that had happened. Foxy had been used as a take apart and put back together toy of some kind, which the little girl couldn't imagine how it may have felt for the fox to go through.

She approached the fox, it raising its mangled head to her presence. It recognized Y/N.

It's ears perked up, as the fox attempted to stand with its twisted limbs that mostly lacked the soft fur the kids loved.

"Hi Foxy!" Y/N giggled, running up to the fox and hugging the fox's "neck". Y/N was never afraid of her, no matter how mangled she became. Foxy appreciated that.

Foxy made an attempt to hug the little girl back, but it was too difficult for it to move it's limbs that appeared deformed.

Y/N noticed the fox's struggle. "It's okay Foxy..." the girl smiled sympathetically. "I will put you back together."

Y/N went to the corner of the room, grabbing a discarded white plastic hand, running back to to the fox who only watched with a tilted head.

Y/N observed the fox's body for a moment, frowning when she realized she didn't know how to fix the fox. She sat down sadly, "I'm sorry... I don't know how to fix you..." Y/N said in disappointment.

A staticky noise came from the fox, Y/N tried to hear what she was saying.

"Mangle....*click* is me..*static* save *click* them *static*....."

"Mangle?" The girl questioned, only receiving the fox's stare. "I don't understand... how do I save them...?"

Just then the Mangle's ears went back, as it crawled further back in the corner with wide eyes looking behind the girl. The girl turned around.

In the doorway she watched a yellow rabbit walking down the hallway, a few kids she recognized running after the rabbit giggling.

"Hey! Those are my friends!" Y/N smiled, getting up and running to them.

Mangle reached its closest limb towards the girl, trying to stop her, but the attempt was in vain, as the girl was already out of the fox's view.

"Guys! Wait up!" The girl shouted to the group, them turning around to see her running to them in excitement.

"Oh hey it's Y/N!" One said, another looking back to the rabbit and pointing at Y/N, "That's Y/N! She's the birthday girl!" Y/N walked closer to the golden rabbit excitedly, her friends moving away for her. "Hello! I'm Y/N! Aren't you Springbonnie?"  Y/N asked, eyes sparkling with joy as she clutched her golden Bonnie plush to her chest. The rabbit was quiet for a moment, observing the group of kids as if counting them, before laughing, bending down to her level, not failing to notice the plush in the girls hand.

'7 kids...that's too many'

"It's nice to meet you Y/N! Yes I am Springbonnie! Are you enjoying your birthday?" The rabbit asked sweetly, gently pulling the Springbonnie plush from the girl's grasp to pretend to observe it. "Wow! What a cute plush you have here! Say, it looks a lot like me!" The rabbit commented, handing the plush back to the girl. "Thank you Mr. Springbonnie!" Y/N giggled.

The rabbit stood back up quietly, observing the children that seemed to be starting to walk away while conversing among each other.

"Hey guys! Come back and follow me!"
The rabbit called to them, but they only glanced back before leaving. Springbonnie stared for a moment before he sighed quietly.

'Well I do have room for one...'

He turned his attention back to Y/N, putting on his cheery voice.

"Well then, I guess all the games and candy will be left to the birthday girl!"

"Candy? Games?!? Ooh where!?" Y/N asked excitedly. The bunny nodded, "Right this way, Follow me!"

Young Y/N was lead to a room at the end of the hallway, away from the party rooms, away from the eyes of others. She followed innocently, obliviously.

The yellow rabbit stopped next to a room titled "employees only", which the girl didn't know what that meant, he opened the door slightly for Y/N to enter, chuckling "Right in here..." under his breathe he muttered "naive girl".

Suddenly in the doorway, blended in the darkness stood a tall white striped figure with rosy cheeks.

"You" it whispered harshly.

Y/N looked up at it, smiling, "Hi Puppet! It's my birthday today!" Y/N stated happily.

"Oh! Happy Birthday Y/N" the marionette said cheerfully, before turning back to the rabbit with aggression. "William." The puppet spoke with malice. "What do you think you're doing in that suit?"

The yellow rabbit seemed to shift uncomfortably under the puppets sharp gaze. "Ugh.. Just go away..." the man in the suit growled quietly.

"Don't you dare touch that girl, *click* you monster..." a staticky and distorted female voice seethed from above. Both the rabbit and little girl looked up to meet one yellow eye and another white pin prick for an eye, accompanied by double rows of sharp teeth in a gaping wide jaw. The girl gasped in surprise "Foxy how'd you get up there?"

"Y/N....*static* RUN." The fox spoke in a serious tone.

"What?? Why???" The girl asked in confusion.

But then she looked around, and was mortified at the sight of many withered and old versions of the shiny animatronics, who had dark liquid dripping from their jaws and ripped crevices between their arms and was horrifying to the girl.

She spun on her heel and quickly ran out into the area with the other kids clutching her yellow bunny plush, finishing her birthday party without smiling.

She never came back to Freddy's....and she never told anyone about what she saw that day...

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