Chapter 15: Dark Clouds

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I shot up from bed with a heavy gasps and tears brimming my eyes.

Thunder rattled my apartment as I calmed down, now hearing the heavy pitter patter of rain that cascaded down the side of my window.

It was just a dream.

I hugged myself, wiping the tears away from my eyes as I rocked back and forth to comfort myself.

I never realized I could be so scared of fire...

I shook my head, dragging my blanket along with me as I got up to text Michael that I was awake. After that dream I wasn't too fond of going back to sleep.

I went straight to the small kitchen in my apartment to make coffee and maybe something to eat.

When I trudged my way back into my room with a cup of hot coffee, I heard a notification on my phone. It was, of course, Michael.

I sat on my bed with a huff, picking up my phone to see what he texted.

"Alright, but we should wait for the weather to calm down." He stated.

"Yeah." I replied.

It's been two hours of me sitting around and watching tv, thinking about random stuff, the rain only slightly let up, but it was just enough to not almost die trying to drive somewhere, so I texted Michael.

"Hey I think the rain calmed down enough now, where do you wanna meet?" I asked

"You know that local cafe? Golden Café or something I think it's called?" "Yeah that works" I replied.

I made sure to grab my rain coat and umbrella, all while being dressed in lazy outfit of just sweatpants, a shirt and shoes; and with that I grabbed my keys and I was out the door and driving to the Cafe in the rain.

I arrived finally, with the parts of my h/c hair that weren't covered by my hood being somewhat soaked from the rain. I walked into the building, immediately spotting Michael at a booth by the window; he stared outside as if lost in a solemn thought.

"Hey Mike." I greeted him, pulling my hood down and going to sit down, noticing that the cafe was rather empty aside from the few people here and there. Michael snapped out of his thoughts, acknowledging my presence with a small smile that seemed forced.

"Oh hey Y/N, glad you got here safely. Would you like something to drink? I can pay." He offered sweetly. "Oh um a (favorite hot beverage) would be nice, thanks." I accepted, feeling a little guilty but I forgot to bring money anyways.

"Such depressing weather today..." Michael said
I hummed in agreement. It was currently 3:48 pm.

A waitress came over to our table and asked us what we would like to order, in which Michael gave her the order, and in a few minutes we were peacefully sipping our chosen hot drinks, being careful not to burn our mouths from how freshly made the drinks were.

We sat there for awhile, simply enjoying the peaceful atmosphere in the cafe, which had rather quiet and peaceful music playing, along with the sound of raindrops hitting the window and the occasional rumble of thunder, it was a nice moment.

"You chose a nice place." I complimented Michael, breaking the silence. He looked at me, nodding with a smile. " I guess we should get to know each other then..." He paused in thought, "Tell me about yourself." He shrugged, trying to make conversation.

"Oh ha, well there's not much about me that's interesting really... but I guess I just grew up with rich parents and didn't need to get a serious job, until I turned 18 and they kicked me out, they gave me 1,000 dollars to live off of but it was only enough to buy an apartment. I had to get a job and fast, so I guess I found myself a job at Fazbear's Frights, and here we are." I stated simply. "How about you?"

He blinked as if he didn't expect me to ask him about himself, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "Oh um... We'll I lived in a big house, two siblings, my sister Elizabeth and my brother...Evan..." he paused, as if bringing up his brother was painful. "Our father William, was always working on mechanical animals of all sorts, he was a genius but...he scared us with his creations." I raised an eyebrow at him but let him continue. "Our mother Clara was always good to us, but with dad away all of the time she had to do a lot by herself. Both of my siblings...they..." a lump formed in his throat as a troubled look crossed his face, "they passed away from my fathers creations..." he finished. I was in shock.

"How did they die...? What did your fathers creations do..?" I didn't want to pry into painful memories but I couldn't help but wonder.

He swallowed down his emotions as he took a breath.

"Elizabeth was the first... my father had created many metallic animatronics, I thought that they were scary but Elizabeth loved one of them in particular, Circus Baby. Father told her not to go near her, but at the time none of us knew why. Elizabeth was always the curious one, and she ended up sneaking away to see the machine. When she approached it, it offered her ice cream held by a weird claw that came from the thing's stomach..." his breath hitched.

"I saw it all when it happened..."

I looked at him with a worried expression.

"She took the ice cream, and the things stomach...I-it opened up and grabbed her- I remember the screams and cries so clearly... and then she was gone...swallowed by that horrible demon to never be seen again..." he put his head in his hands. "We were both so young when it happened..."

I gave him a look of sympathy as I leaned forward to place a hand in his shoulder. "Hey Mike it's's not your fault..." I tried to comfort him. Michael lifted his head, swallowing hard as he nodded quietly, regaining his composure.

"But Evan...Evan was my fault..." he spoke, voice filled with regret.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What happened...?"

He looked away from me in shame, "Me and my friends were ignorant, stupid teenagers at the time... and on Evan's Birthday...W-we wanted to play a prank on him... because we thought it was funny to see him scared... I-I was horrible to him..." Michael paused, rubbing his eyes. "We lifted him up closer to one of the animatronics on stage, to 'give Fredbear a big kiss' we said... and he was terrified..." he paused, taking a shaky breath.

"We brought him too close to Fredbear's mouth... and Evans tears, they m-must've activated something inside of the machine-" Mike started to shake slightly, "We all laughed while he cried in fear... until we saw the jaw of the bear snap shut...." Tears pricked the very corners of his eyes as he tried to hide his grief.

"It closed right onto his head...blood was everywhere. It was just...supposed to be a prank...but... we knew that we went too far..." He finished, hanging his head.

My eyes were wide and my mouth was agape...

I couldn't believe what he had told me... but then I remembered my dream.

The golden bear with blood on it's mouth...


The bite.

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