love triangle

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Kashara pov
So I got the pregnancy test in my hand and yeah I'm pregnant. so I found out what happened between me and Moniece the night I was drunk. I'm not bi sexual or at least I believe I'm not bi sexual. August came down stairs and gave me a kiss he took his keys and went to the studio. I called my girl Moniece I'm not feeling her In that way look I just wanted to kick it or whatever.
Phone convo
Moniece : hey bae
Kashara : bae come chill aug at the studio.
Moniece : aight hun
End of phone call
Skipping to when Moniece comes over
Moniece comes to the door and opens it she's wearing a blu crop top and some booty shorts. man she looks fine. omg did I just think that no I didn't forget that.
Moniece : baby what you want to do?
Kashara : um I don't know if we should take it there I just wanted to talk about what we did.
Moniece : it was awesome right
Kashara : no it wasn't see I'm not gay and I'm not your girlfriend and I don't want you.
Moniece : that's cool but wait til August finds out want his girl did (slamming the door )
This bitch.
August pov
So I'm at the studio when I get a text from an unknown phone number saying meet them at the park they have something to tell me.
Unknown : meet me at the park I have something to tell you.
August : um who is this and y meet at the park?
Unknown: this is Moniece and ya girl was cheating.
August : okay I'll be there in a few minutes to get the T.
At the park
Moniece : hey August
August : what is this about Kashara cheating? What nigga is it?
Moniece : well she's not cheating with a nigga it's a female.
August : the fuck shari aint gay.
Moniece : she says that you say that but she had sex with me on her birthday.
August : prove it.
I has a video and I showed August.
Moniece : ya girl said it was the liquor.
August : she ain't my fuckin girl no more gay ass bitch Kashara skipping to at home
Kashara pov
So August comes in the house and doesn't say a word to me he just went upstairs.
Kashara : hi August
August : shut ya gay ass up.
Kashara : August Anothy alsina who the hell are you talking to?
August : you bitch I heard about you. *slapping Kashara *
Kashara : I know you mad but you not bout to slap me and get away with the shit.
August : ya gay ass ain't gon do shit.
Kashara : August Anothy Alsina Shut The Fuck Up Im Really getting tired of you im tired of your Shit I'm Leaving AND Im Taking My Kids And They Shit AND About THIS Fuckin Baby IN my Stomach Imma Have An Abortion.
August : look ya ass not bout to kill MY seed if ya kill my seed I'll kill ya ass.
Kashara : bye bitch ass nigga ya ass just don't know what ya missing out on.
Me and the kids left.
August pov
I don't got time for this shit with Kashara so I went to hang out with some friends and I met this cute chick named Imani.
Imani pov
I'm a ghetto chick from new Orleans I will kill a bitch on sight. I just met August at this club I can tell he feelin a gurl.
August : Imani u want a drink or something?
Imani : nah I don't take shit from strange men my momma taught me that as a kid.
August : so I'm a strange man?
Imani :just cause you August alsina I'm just supposed to automatically trust you hell nah a young bitch don't trust nobody.
August : well okay but can we at least get to know each other better?
Imani :I don't think my man would like you trying to be with me.
August : I'm just trying to get to know you.
Imani :look nigga I see ya good and all imma be honest with ya I think ya need to keep things moving cause I don't want ya ass to get the shit beat out of you by my boyfriend.
August : who's ya boy- (interrupted by drake )
Drake :Imani bae is there a problem?
Imani : nah a young nigga was just trying to talk to me.
Drake :witch one of these niggas?
Imani : August
Drake :hey nigga ain't you with that fine ass girl Kashara?
August : nah we broke up.
Drake : oh um y?
August : um she um -(interrupted by drake )
Drake : spit the it out.
August : well let's just say she like both genders.
Drake : she's bisexual? Man ya should have kept her she would have been better for you .
August : what ya mean
Drake:ya can have 3 sums
August : ya stupid she would go for that.
So when we were out I met this boy named Daniel *diggy Simmons *he gave me his number and he said call him some time. so we spendingthe the over aysia house. I told her the whole story and I told her that I am bisexual she didn't have a problemwith that. So I was laying on the bed in aysia's guest room when I got a text from Daniel.
Text convo
Daniel :hey Kashara how ya doing beautiful.
Kashara : fine why ya text me so late?
Daniel :I was just busy.
Kashara : oh okay well I'm kinda tired.
Daniel :cool what to hang out tomorrow ?
Kashara : um I'll think bout it.
Daniel:bye beautiful
Kashara : bye Daniel.
End of text convo
Aysia pov
I came downstairs to Kashara's room and she was texting somebody l looked at the phone she was texting a guy named Daniel.
Aysia : who's Daniel.
Kashara : it's a guy that I met he's a artist like August.
Aysia : what's his stage name?
Kashara : Diggy Simmons
Aysia : omg he's so cute girl I'mma take ya man.
Kashara : correction he ain't my man we just kicking it.
Aysia : what ever you say shari.
Kashara : oh yeah um tomorrow can you watch the kids Daniel wants to take me some wear.
Aysia : um I told ya he gone be ya man.
Kashara : shut up aysia (playfully hitting her )
Aysia : Kashara Normani alsina don't start no shit that ya ass can't finish k boo.
Kashara : what ever aysia
Aysia : you pregnant?
Kashara : yes I am
Aysia : by.......
Kashara : August I'm thinking about getting an abortion but august told me if I killed his seed he'll kill me.
Aysia : you know you don't really want an abortion you just want an abortion cause it's August's baby and august did ya wrong you can't do that.
Kashara : August didn't do me wrong I did him wrong I should have never did what I did with Moniece.
Aysia : tru but don't blame it on your self baby girl. and ya keeping his baby and I'm helping ya ass take care of it good night beautiful. *kissing kashara *
Kashara : wtf
Aysia : I love you
Kashara : I love ya ass too good night

his sister August  alsina  storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن