why part 2 /August back

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August pov
So I'm out of the hospital. I called Kashara to come pick up. So while I waited for her to come get me I just sat there and looked around the hospital waiting room. until I saw Kashara. Kashara looked different she looked like something was wrong but I don't know what it is. I know she probably didn't cheat on me.
Kashara pov
I came to pick up august from the hospital and I feel like I have to tell him I'm pregnant sooner or later. But I know how august took the news about me being pregnant with Anthony. And Anthony was his baby so how am I supposed to tell him. I have a child by another man and I have to drop the bomb that the man is his dad. Do when I was driving August home I was just thinking of a way to tell August.
August : is something wrong?
Kashara : *lying * no I'm fine
August : I know you lying to me. you can tell me anything.
Kashara : I'll tell you when we get in the house.
August pov
I knew something was wrong with Kashara. we finally got in the house she got comfortable.
August : so............
Kashara : well I'm pregnant. August but don't jump on me I was raped
August : what the fuck by who?
Kashara : your dad.
August : omg abd now you pregnant how are we going to explain that I'm your husband but I'm also her brother.
Kashara : so you mad at me huh ? August I thought I could tell you anything.
August : you a mother fuckin hoe you slept with my dad look I want a DNA test on Anthony how do I know if that's my child.
Kashara : I was raped
August : that's just your pitty story. you a strong woman if youreally didn't want him you could have fought him off.
Kashara : don't you think I tried that August? I love you.
August : then get an abortion and I'll act like we ain't know nun about this.
Kashara : I will not kill. Another human being cause you mad I don't want this baby no more than you do but the fuck I ain't gonna kill it.
August : where the hell is my son?
Kashara : I thought he wasn't your son I thought your dumb ass wanted a DNA test.
August : where he at
Kashara : don't yell at me. he's at Aysias's house she took care of him for the night. Get out dumb bitch I can't believe you would do this to me.
August : I'm sorry you just told me all of this news at once. I was just overwhelmed.
Kashara : shut the fuck up I hate you why would you say those things to me I been with you since day fuckin one okay baby. and you do this shit to me when I fell in love with you I thought I fell in love with a man. I didn't I fell in love with a teenager who can't face his problems.
August : I'm sorry
Kashara : you say that all the time when the fuck are you not going to be sorry nigga cause according to your self your ass always sorry and never means it.
August : I mean it this time I'll do anything to make it up to you.
Kashara : get the fuck August to be honest I'm done with you . I'm tired of forgiving you and I'm tired of being hurt.
August : I won't hurt you no more.
Kashara : get out. ...
August : I love you
Kashara : get out of my mother fuckin house I don't want to see you again August Anthony alsina I mean this shit this time you always hurting me I can't take this shit no more
August : okay but I won't give up you tell my son daddy will be back for him.
Kashara : August leave nigga.

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