◜chapter forty◞

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The trio had been walking for a while, Cassie's nose had turned a shade of red for the harsh wind against her face

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The trio had been walking for a while, Cassie's nose had turned a shade of red for the harsh wind against her face. It was getting dark when they arrived at the river they were due to cross, Joel instructed that it was getting to late for them to cross it so they set up camp in a cave of rocks of the night. Cassie was grateful for that fact since it blocked them from the sharp wind.

The girls were on top of a bigger rock, Cassie sat down looking up at the sky while Ellie stood beside her. Both of them watched the green of the northern lights create intricate patterns in the sky. They were both broken out of their trance when Joel whistled at them

"get down from there, your gonna break your neck" The man stated making Cassie roll her eyes. Ellie was the first to climb down, waiting for Cassie down the bottom. the curly haired girl shuffled down the rock, falling backwards into Ellie's arms slightly as she hit the ground. they then joined Joel at the fire, sitting opposite him.

"hm can i have some" Ellie hummed as she saw the small flask in Joel's hand, Joel said no "what? just to warm up!"

Joel gave it over hesitantly, Ellie taking a gulp before handing it over to Cassie. Ellie's face scrunched up as Cassie took her sip and handed it back to the man.

"yep, still gross" Ellie groaned "still dont know how you can drink that shit with a straight face"

"its better than the slop they gave us in Fedra school els, your just a baby" Cassie laughed at the girl

"shut up!" The brunette girl pushed her bast friend slightly making Cassie push her back "anyway Joel, we've been thinking"

"you've been thinking" Cassie corrected the girl

"ive been thinking" Ellie gave the girl a look "lets say we find the fireflies, it all works, they draw my blood and put it through there fancy machines and make a cure"

"okay?" Joel deadpanned

"then what? like what do we all do?" Ellie added

"its a we?"

"id fucking hope so" Cassie interrupted

"okay fine, whatever, you. you can do anything you want, where are you going, what are you doing?"

"its never been an option" Joel shrugged, looking away from the girls.maybe an old farmhouse, some land, a ranch"

"what kind?" Cassie raised her eyebrows, fiddling with the bracelet on her wrist.

"sheep, i would raise sheep"

"really? id see you as more of a cow guy" Cassie shrugged

"they're quiet" Joel looked at the girls "do what there told"

"yeah yeah, okay" Ellie rolled her eyes "so, just you and a bunch a sheep. Romantic"

"and what about you two, what are you gonna do" Ellie just clapped her hands and looked up at the night sky then towards Cassie

"its probably because i grew up in the QZ, behind you theres ocean and ahead of you theres a wall, no where else to look but up. I read everything i could in the school library." Ellie started

"oh its true, she used to drag me there just for us to sit in silence" Cassie joked "neil armstrong, buzz aldrin, jim lovell"

"but you know who my favorite is?" Ellie added

"sally ride" Joel answered

"sally fucking ride" Ellie smiled "best astronaut name ever"

"Cassie?" Joel turned to the girl "what about you?"

"never really thought about it" The girl shrugged "when i was in the QZ all i ever imagined was living in a house with my two best friends just going about our days together but now? now theres a possibility to live a normal life? i dont know, id like to live on the beach or anywhere where i could just look up and see the sun and the moon"

"it'll work right?" Ellie spoke up after Cassie finished speaking "the vaccine?"

"its a little late to start wondering" Joel told the girl

"i tried, with Sam" Ellie muttered

"tried what?"

"i knew he was infected, i rubbed some of my blood into his bite. I know, i know it was stupid but... i wanted to save him" Ellie told the pair

"well its a lot more complicated than that. Marlene, shes a lotta things but shes no fool" Joel explained "if she says they can do it, they can do it"

"wanna take first watch or second?" Ellie asked the man after a few moments of silence

"ill do both" He nodded "get some sleep, dream of beaches and sheep ranch on the moon"

The girls both got up, smiling at the man as they headed into the small cave. Cassie knew Ellie, she knew the girl wouldn't sleep so they stayed awake together, laying in silence under the sleeping bag. She didnt know how long had passed when Ellie got up from her spot noticing Joel was asleep. Cassie followed along after her.

Instead of standing beside Ellie, the girl climbed the rock and laid back down, falling quickly into a peaceful slumber underneath the stars.

Instead of standing beside Ellie, the girl climbed the rock and laid back down, falling quickly into a peaceful slumber underneath the stars

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oh my god who is this updating a story that has been dead for so long. On a real one im so grateful for those who have supported this despite being on hold for god knows how long.

Im not promising regular updates but im promising more frequent ones so stay tuned!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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