◜chapter thirty one◞

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               Cassie moved a metal desk from in front of the doors which allowed Joel inside the room, letting Ellie take a moment to recollect herself whilst she did so

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Cassie moved a metal desk from in front of the doors which allowed Joel inside the room, letting Ellie take a moment to recollect herself whilst she did so. Joel pushed against the door whilst Cassie pulled at the table, the two eventually getting the man inside. Joel and Cassie then pushed the desk back up against the wall.

"okay, im good. I uh, i got some food in here still" Ellie stated as the two others looked at her "and i got your light, still"

"yeah, yeah i have some cans left so" Cassie nodded rapidly "what are we gonna do now?"

"we go up" Joel told the girls, leading them further into the room

"to get a better look?"

"hopefully, we spot a clear route out" Joel informed the brunette, Cassie looking over to her best friend ever so often as they followed the man. The man told the two girls to stay close as they exited the building, they walked through the back alley and exited onto the main road. Using an abandoned car, they hid from a few patrolling vehicle. Cassie knew what they were about to find since an unknown man started shouting another one's name.

Joel crept across the road and opened the door opposite them, the two girls rushing over and getting into the building. Joel shut the door behind them. There was people surrounding them on every side, they knew that. They also knew that after seeing what they had just found, these men will be hunting them.

The trio where hidden in a run down store, completely empty from raids and the windows blocked with newspaper

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The trio where hidden in a run down store, completely empty from raids and the windows blocked with newspaper. Joel was watching the people outside through the slight open patches between the papers. Cassie and Ellie stood beside one another, Ellie questioning Joel.

"They're not FEDRA and there not fireflies so who are they?"

"people" Joel responded

"are we okay in here" Cassie asked, her arms crossed

"for a little bit, maybe" The man nodded "looks like they're checking out apartment buildings first but they'll be coming through these places soon enough"

"there's a really tall building four blocks away" Ellie stated, peaking through the windows

"yeah, saw it"

"so that's the one?" Ellie asked, turning to the man as Cassie sat on the floor, back pressed against the wall;

"as soon as we dont hear a truck, we move" The older man explained, sitting on a chair opposite cassie who stayed at her spot on the floor "fast as we can"

It was quite between the three of them, an anxious silence settling over them. Cassie played with the bracelet on her wrist, chewing at her bottom lip and looking around ocasiionally. Often tilting her head to peak between the newspapers. It would be a lie if she said she wasnt scared because truthfully? she was absolutely terrified.

These weren't infected, these were people with working brains. People that believed the way that they were living was the right way to live. Not in peace but at war with one another. Cassie could hardly comprehend how people could have so much hatred in ones heart as hers only wished for a life of freedom with loads of friends and a real family.

And god, if they were caught and had to fight there way out? she didn't know if she would survive. Killing clickers and infected where different, they where practically dead anyway but people? people who had lives ahead of them, that had families relying on them? Cassie knew she didn't have the guts to take someone's life like that. Even if they tried to take hers. Maybe she could, maybe if they tried to hurt her best friend she could but never for her own sake.

"are you okay" Ellie asked Joel who seemed slightly dazed

"im alright" The man nodded "are you alright?"

"yeah" Ellie nodded "cassie, you okay?"

But cassie couldn't speak, the anxious feeling in her chest leaving her a mess. She just looked down at her legs and nodded slightly, none of them were really okay but none of them wanted to admit that. Too proud to say anything and too afraid to seem weak to the other people in the room. Joel, however, spoke up.

"thing is, i didn't hear that guy coming and you shouldn't have had to... neither of you should have had to do, you know?"

"your glad we did right?" Ellie asked, cassie picking at a loose thread on her sleeve

"your just kids" The man stated "you shouldn't know what it means to-"

"its not like any of us killed him" Cassie finally looked up, resting her head on the window "yeah, els shot him and i threatened to finish him off but hes not dead"

"but shooting or- i know what its like" Joel responded quickly "first time that you hurt someone like that. If you uh... im not good at this"

"yeah, you really aren't" Ellie deadpanned

"i mean, it was my fault" Joel exclaimed, looking between the two girls "you shouldn't have had to and im sorry"

Cassie appreciated his apology even though it wasnt entirely needed, Ellie's eyes watered as she aggressively wiped away the fallen tears. One of Cassie's hands briefly fell onto Elie's knee and her head fell onto the girls shoulder, whispering that it was okay to provide even the slightest bit of comfort to the girl. Joel watched them, glad they both had someone close to lean on.

"it wasnt my first time" Ellie explained, Cassie blinking away tears that threatened to fall at the confession. She already knew, Ellie had told her before but it brought up memories both fond and upsetting. Her eyes briefly drifting to her bracelet. Joel then took the gun Ellie stole out of his jacket pocket and walked over to the girls

"show me your grip" He handed the gun to Ellie, the girl taking the gun off the man. Cassie watched as Joel taught Ellie how to handle the gun correctly with a smile. Ellie seemed so content holding a gun. They both then looked over to the blonde who just shook her head, believe it or not but she could handle a gun. She just didn't like them all that much, the one in her bag is a last resort.

Give Cassie a bow an arrow however, and she will shoot things down with pride. When she says she's a great shot, she fucking means it. It wat the one weapon FEDRA allowed the girl to handle during her time at the school and Cassie doubts shes lost her talent.

im so sorry with the lack of uploads, ive been so caught up with college and work that ive been sleeping earlier and had no time to write

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im so sorry with the lack of uploads, ive been so caught up with college and work that ive been sleeping earlier and had no time to write. Im gonna try and write a load of chapters over the weekend to make up for the lack of chapters but i apologize if they aren't as consistent.

the plot holes in this ff are insane, i completely forget what i write sometimes so i backtrack things ive already said so i apologise if my characters aren't consistent lmao

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