◜chapter thirty seven◞

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A brief moment of hope flickered for the group, the house that the truck had crashed into was the only thing from keeping a hoard of infected from escaping

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A brief moment of hope flickered for the group, the house that the truck had crashed into was the only thing from keeping a hoard of infected from escaping. It had everyone distracted, they could have ran but everyone stayed still. Guns trained on the hole in the ground.

Cassie wasnt looking at the same thing as everyone else though, she was looking at the car she knew Ellie was crouched behind, she could see everything for that spot in that house. Including the amount of infected climbing out of the hole. There was millions of them, ranging from runners and clickers. People started shooting, everyone shooting at any infected they could.

Cassie was holding onto Joel's back, too scared to do anything else while he kept shooting. Then, she saw something that made her even more anxious. Ellie Williams crawling her ay through the crowd of infected. The girl, to put it lightly, was shitting it. She couldn't do anything, she left the house and she would be dead, like Joel said, that would be no use. She stayed in the house and she just stood by watching as her best friend fought for her life.

"come on Ellie, dont be stupid" She whispered, moving away from behind Joel. Instead, crouching by the window, following the body of her best friend moving. The man was shooting all the infected that he could, Cassie was frozen in fear. She watched as Ellie climbed into an abandoned truck, Joel shooting the infected around said vehicle "Joel"

Cassie's voice was quiet, barely a whisper

"Joel" She shouted, pointing at the small child climbing into the back of the truck, the same way Ellie did "no" Cassie shook her head "no, no no" She placed her hand on her chest, trying to calm her excessive breathing and exceeding heart rate "Joel, fucking do something please" Cassie begged, just about ready to jump out of the window if it meant saving her best friends life. Suddenly, the door to the truck opened and Ellie clambered out of it, shutting the clicker in the van.

The brunette spared a look at the window both Cassie and Joel where in before running towards a car that Sam and Henry where stuck under. The blonde silently cursed the girl out for her caring nature as Joel tried to shoot all the infected in Ellie's way. The blondes hands had paled at the grip she had on the window frame. The girl managed to rip the clicker off of Henry, stabbing it in the neck before stabbing the one that had Sam

"she's alright kid. ive got her" Joel muttered, attempting to calm Cassie down. He knew what panic looked like and he noted that Cassie was, in that current moment, the epitome of it. The three then started running towards the house and without a second thought, Cassie darted out of the room and down the stairs, Joel on her tail. Joel forced them all to run away from the scene as the woman who was after them was attacked by a clicker, the same one that was previously after Ellie.

The five of them ran, ran straight to the embankment that Henry had told them about. They decided it would be best to wait out the night, spending it in a nearby motel instead. Joel and Henry stayed in the main room while Cassie, Ellie and Sam where in the bedroom, two double beds one in which Ellie and Cassie where going to share.

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