The Party

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Lyall the Werewolf: Originally on FanFiction.Net, I am now cross-posting Rise of the Sword and Shield on Wattpad.

So, without further ado, let's get started.

(I don't own Senran Kagura or Shield Hero)


"Heroes! Congratulations on a job well done! Compared to our encounter with the First Wave, there were far fewer damages and casualties! Even I can't contain my excitement! Tonight we celebrate!"

Following the passing of the Second Wave of Catastrophe, Castle-Town was in a celebratory mood for surviving the onslaught.

That night at the castle, King Aultcray hosted a party in honor of the Cardinal Heroes besting the Second Wave. All of the Cardinal Heroes were in attendance, even if two out of the four Heroes didn't want to be there.

Talented musicians deliver soothing music through their instruments. The finest dishes and wine spread across huge tables. And high-class nobility there to enjoy every bit of it. Needless to say, it was a ritzy party.

Motoyasu, Itsuki, and Asuka stood beside the King at the top of the ballroom's staircase. Naofumi was down by the windows, out of sight. No one would entertain the idea of the Shield Hero receiving praise from the King, so why should he?

"And we must especially celebrate the return of the Sword Hero, Asuka-dono, who had gone missing shortly after she was summoned to defend our land! Admirably, she came back to face the Second Wave with her fellow Heroes!" Aultcray announced as Asuka was made to stand beside him and Pope Balmus. Ever since she returned from the battlefield as reported by the knights, Aultcray and Balmus insisted that she stay where they could keep an eye on her. This was to ensure she would not disappear again.

"Has our prodigal Sword Hero have a few words to share with the audience?" asked Balmus as he motioned for Asuka to step forward.

Reluctantly, Asuka stepped up and said, "I'm sure you heard rumors about an argument I and fellow Heroes had three weeks ago at the Adventurer's Guild. Sadly yes, we did argue over some... disagreements. As a result, I fled the guild and did not attempt to appear in public. My selfish actions have caused unnecessary worry. For that, I humbly apologize. From now on, I'll continue to do my best for the safety of Melromarc."

Soon after, Asuka bowed her head to the nobility in the ballroom. The nobles give applause for her humble and eloquent speech.

"Bullshit..." Naofumi thought. They both knew almost none of what she said was true. It wasn't mere disagreements. They were making fun of her. That bastard King was aware of it. Otherwise, he wouldn't have yelled at those two idiots for laughing her out of the guild. They must be making her take the blame for them to save face, despite everyone knowing what really happened.

"And Motoyasu-kun and Itsuki-kun, I'm sorry for my immature actions at the guild," Asuka said as she bowed apologetically to her fellow Heroes.

"That's okay, Asuka-chan. Cute girls always have mood swings." Motoyasu said cheerfully. It seemed a little forced.

"Next time, please heed our advice without reacting poorly," said Itsuki. There was an air of condescension in his voice.

"Now, with that out of the way, let us feast to our heart's content!" King Aultcray announced as he raised a goblet to commence the celebration.

The party was in full swing immediately, with all the guests enjoying the delectable food and engaging in casual conversation.

Meanwhile, the Three Heroes were also chatting.

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