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Lyall the Werewolf: Originally on FanFiction.Net, I am now cross-posting Rise of the Sword and Shield on Wattpad.

So, without further ado, let's get started.

(I don't own Senran Kagura or Shield Hero)


It was morning by the time Asuka got to work on tracking Naofumi and Raphtalia. Using her Enhanced Scent Detection, Asuka tracked them to Erhard's weapon shop. She decided it was best to not go inside. It would have been awkward to talk to him face-to-face after their last meeting. She also wanted to avoid troubling Erhard with more of her issues.

Asuka hoped all he wanted was to train Raphtalia to fight and nothing more. Even if he owned her now, Naofumi wouldn't do anything to hurt the little girl. Otherwise, why would he take her to the weapon shop? To buy better equipment so Rahptalia could better fight monsters and boost their levels.

Before Asuka left the guild, she heard a little about how partying functions. One aspect that caught Asuka's attention was how the leader can set up party members as Companions who share EXP. Asuka would have loved to party up with someone, but none of the guild members ever approached her, nor did she approach them out of distrust. She was starting to regret that now. If she had talked to them, maybe she could have potential allies.

Naofumi and Raphtalia exited the weapon shop after a few minutes. Asuka followed them discreetly.

She noticed Raphtalia looking fearful for a moment. She was likely afraid of Naofumi abusing her, not unlike another man physically punishing his demi-human slaves close by. Asuka would have intervened, but that would have alerted Naofumi and it would have led to more awkward situations. For now, it was best not to stir up trouble.

"Sorry..." Asuka whispered.

Eventually, Asuka followed the Shield Hero and his slave to the same restaurant she went to a week ago.

She avoided coming here after her fallout with the guild. It was part of her plan to keep as low a profile as possible. This was for her infiltration and observation missions. That included not eating at public restaurants.

But, seeing Naofumi and Raphtalia go, even though they didn't allow demi-humans to dine there, made the Shinobi a little worried.

"I've got my hood on, so it should be fine, right?" Asuka muttered to herself. She could wear another disguise, but there wasn't much time.

She went in hesitantly, fearing Naofumi potentially discovering her.

That was why she chose to sit at a table far away from the Shield Hero and Raphtalia.

"What can I get today, miss?" asked the waiter. Earlier, he was less than inviting to Naofumi and Raphtalia, but after serving the orders for the duo, he was willing to take an order for Asuka, who kept her face hidden.

Asuka would have chosen the same meal as before, but that would be pretty suspicious. "I'll have a salad."

"What kind of salad?"

"It doesn't matter. I'm strapped for cash." Asuka answered. She currently had money trouble due to secretly donating money to the Adventurer's Guild. They could repair the broken floor after her assault on Mald.

"Okay... coming upright." the waiter said as he jotted down the order on his notepad. "But seriously, why do we get the less famous Cardinal Heroes here? First the Sword Hero, and now the Shield Hero and some demi-human girl? I swear we have the worst luck!"

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