Wild Hunt

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Lyall the Werewolf: Originally on FanFiction.Net, I am now cross-posting Rise of the Sword and Shield on Wattpad.

So, without further ado, let's get started.

(I don't own Senran Kagura or Shield Hero)


"Myne? Is everything okay, Myne? Hello?" Motoyasu called as he knocked on his companion's door. He received no answer outside of angry whispering.

"Motoyasu-sama, what's the matter?" asked Elena as she walked up to him. She wore a bluish-gray nightgown.

"Elena-chan, why are you still up?"

"I heard Myne storming in, and that woke me." Elena answered, "Is something troubling her?"

"I-I think she's upset that Felecia-chan went missing. I had no idea Myne was that attached to her." Motoyasu sighed, "I completely understand how she feels, though. Felecia-chan was so cute!"

"He hasn't figured out that maid was a fake? And, she's the Sword Hero at that. I noticed the similarities and her suspicious behavior a long time ago. Eventually, I put two and two together."

Elena wasn't surprised by Motoyasu and Myne's lack of detective skills. Neither one of them was very sharp. Motoyasu simply lacked any willingness to think logically. And Myne, while cunning, rarely thought about consequences and focused on the short term instead. In fact, they very nearly doomed the journey's end goal by accepting the Sword Hero into their ranks without deducing her identity.

However, Elena chose not to say anything about the maid's identity because it would cause more trouble than it was worth. The Sword Hero most likely found out about the trip to Callma Village and their quest to take out the Giant Scorpion King and gain that skill Myne wanted for Motoyasu's spear. The Sword Hero no doubt wanted to steal the map to its lair to get to it first. What puzzled Elena was why the Sword Hero didn't come to steal the map after disappearing.

The Sword Hero had the perfect opportunity now that she vanished, but Elena hadn't seen either tail or hide of the group's rival. She might have just gotten fed up with being treated like a servant and Motoyasu's constant flirting, in which case, Elena didn't blame her for quitting halfway.

Then again, it wouldn't matter if the Sword Hero stole the map either. Elena had it memorized long before now. But, it didn't change the fact that she and the others won't be sampling the delicious food the Sword Hero made ever again.

"It really is a shame, isn't it? We had such a good time with her. Her cooking was quite delicious too."

"I know! On the bright side, I can still cook for you and everyone else!" Motoyasu said confidently, much to Elena's horror.

"Y-You don't need to go to that much trouble!" Elena replied nervously.

"Don't be shy, Elena!" Motoyasu said as he pulled her in and held her close to his body, "I know everyone loves my cooking and how much love and care I put into it! Hahaha!"

This wasn't the first time Motoyasu had done something like this, and wouldn't be the last so long as she was still in the Spear Hero's party. She would have complained a long time ago, but his wealth at this point was too good to pass up. All she had to do was keep playing the faithful harem girl, and her life would be much easier.

"Putting up with this oaf is more taxing than I thought... and to think I had affection for him." Elena thought.

"Excuse me, do you mind?" Myne voiced, scaring Motoyasu and Elena.

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