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☆ 56. Chapter 46 Doctor Guan, thank you!

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Chapter 46 Doctor Guan, thank you!

For the future of medical students, Deng Weijia was simply worried.

When Guan Yue went to find him in the morning, she saw many freshly written letters on his desk. Looking at the addresses on the envelopes, they were all military hospitals.

Guan Yue: "Is it useful for you to write these letters?"

Deng Weijia sighed: "It should be of some use. It would be good to solve one more problem."

The school is backed by the Southwest Military Region. So far, only the Southwest Military Region has The hospital agreed to accept some students. How many hospitals can there be in the Southwest Military Region? Compared with medical students, the few places are just a drop in the bucket and will not be suitable for anyone at that time.

Guan Yue: "Instead of asking for places pathetically everywhere, we should strive for some success ourselves. When our students become good, there will naturally be many people begging for students from our school." "How to become

good? The limitations of traditional Chinese medicine are It's there."

Guan Yue laughed: "From now on, there will be an acupuncture class every Tuesday, and I will be the teacher."

Deng Weijia stood up suddenly, his eyes lit up: "Are you serious?"

"Seriously! You tell me later For those students, as long as they pass the acupuncture graduation exam, their graduation certificates will not only have the official seal of the school, but also a private seal certified by me, Guan Yue."

Deng Weijia said three good words in a row, Guan Yue's With the blessing of fame, these students will have a much easier road ahead. Moreover, with this sentence about the moon, those students are bound to study hard with their heads hanging down.

Guan Yue: "In the future, there will be an additional exam in the final exam every year. As long as students pass this exam, they can get internship places and be recommended by the school to intern in various military hospitals. As I told you before, an outpatient doctor Get an acupuncturist and form a team for internship."

"Can other people accept our students?"

"The interns don't officially go to work for them. Our students are just working as assistants, and they don't have to pay wages, so why wouldn't they be willing? ?"

Deng Weijia: "Do students pay for internships themselves?"

Guan Yue: "Let's do it! Prices are so cheap now, how much can it cost to support two students to go to other hospitals for internship for one or two months?"

Deng Weijia thought. Up, the pharmaceutical factory made a fortune again, and Guan Yue now had so much money that she had no place to spend it.

"We all do this, and this matter must be done."

Deng Weijia gritted his teeth: "If this matter cannot be done, I will go to the commander of the military region every day to plead for mercy."

Guan Yue laughed: "Not so Exaggeration. The country is actually short of talents now. As long as our students are capable enough, there is no way they will not be able to make a living."

Guan Yue is very confident in herself, and also in those students.

She had plenty of escape routes, but those students were almost forced into a corner. She built a single-plank bridge for them, and no matter how afraid they were, she would force herself to walk across it.

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