Chapter 37

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-Wednesday, June 13-

*Amelia's POV*

It's my dad's birthday today, I'm so excited. We're in Boston right now getting to spend more time before I go with my uncle Robert to LA. It was 5 am and I decided to get all the gifts ready. Dad's party was on Saturday but today is dinner with his closest family. I got down and got the ingredients ready for a chocolate chip pancake.

"Beat me to it." I heard mom's voice.

"You can still make coffee." I told her. Which reminds me, I'm no longer in crutches but I do have a boot.

"I still can't believe next month you're going to be 17. A year away from being an adult." Mom commented.

"I know but today we focus on dad." I told her. "Which reminds me, do you have any pictures of dad with me when I was born?" I asked her.

"Of course, I'll send them to you." Mom told me. She made coffee and pulled her phone out. "Oh what happened to you." She said.

"I grew up." I told her and she playfully nudged me. I finished the pancakes and mom handed me the tray. We walked to dad's room singing Happy Birthday.

"What's this?" He asked as he woke up.

"It's your birthday duh. Guess age is already catching up to you." I told him. Mom placed the tray on the bed and we gave him a hug.

"Thank you." He told us. I went to the guest room to get the gifts.

"Where did you hide them?" Mom asked upon seeing the gifts.

"Why so many? You didn't have to." Dad said.

"Open your first one." I told him excitedly. I handed him a small box and he shook it.

"Not a dog." Dad said. He unwrapped it and pulled out a bag of jelly beans. His eyes lit up. "My favorite, thank you." He told me. I also got him a golf club, some Disney merchandise.

"Last one Dad, it's from me and Jacob actually." I told him.

"It's not an explosive, right?" He asked.

"No explosives. I promise." I told him. He slowly unwrapped the box and saw a small picture frame of a signed paper.

"Who's the signature from?" He asked.

"The one and only...Walt Disney." I told him. He looked at me shock, completely speechless.

"How?" He asked.

"So basically, me and Jacob went through a few old boxes that his grandpa had and found this." I told him. He gave me a hug.

"Oh thank you. Tell Jacob that I appreciate it." He told me.

"Will do." I said. I went downstairs and waited for my parents to get ready. I heard a knock on the door and saw one of dad's security.

"Morning Jay." I told him. I made sure to remember everybody's name to respect them.

"Morning Ms.Evans." He told me.

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