Chapter 23

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-Monday, March 20-

*Amelia's pov*

I'm so tired from yesterday. This whole week I'm in recovery. I wonder what's going to happen with my siblings. A knock interrupted my thoughts.

"Morning, how are you feeling?" Mom asked me.

"Okay. Just worried for my siblings. Jacob sent me a text yesterday for me to go talk with his uncle who's a lawyer. I don't want to cause my adoptive dad any harsh punishment." I explained.

"Honey, look what he did to you and your cousins. He deserves it." Mom said and I let out a sigh. She came and sat next to me.

"Amelia, I don't understand this." Rose came in handing me a paper with instructions and a lot of parts to a toy.

"Sweetie, did you ask uncle Chris?" Mom asked.

"But Amelia knows everything." Rose responded making me chuckle.

"Sure. Just let me wear my glasses." I told her.

"You wear glasses?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, sadly I got stuck with your vision." I said jokingly. I helped Rose with the toy and handed it to her. Mom went downstairs to make some breakfast.

"Amelia, do you want to watch those videos in Mexico?" Alex asked me.

"Yeah, in a few minutes, but I need to do something first. Come with me." I told him and opened my window. He followed me even though I should be resting. I started walking to the nearest store.

"Ooh, are we going to rob a store?" He asked me.

"No stupid, I need to buy something." I told him. I went to the store and found vaporub. "Jackpot." I said and went to pay. As we were walking out we spotted a young mother with her baby.

"Look at that baby, it's adorable." Alex said. Suddenly a guy came up and snatched the kid.

"Give me back my kid!" The mother yelled. The guy ran in between me and Alex. I inmediately took off after him. Alex caught up to him and pushed him. I managed to grab the baby before it fell. The mother caught up.

"Thank you." She told us out of breath. I handed her the baby and the guy stood up and ran. Me and Alex decided to head back home before my parents notice. I mean it was 9 when we left and now it's closer to like 9:45.

*Chris's POV*

I went down and saw Rose playing with a new toy. I saw Scar cooking some delicious eggs and bacon.

"Morning baby." I told her making her smile.

"Morning babe, does it smell good?" She asked me.

"It smells so delicious. Just like you." I told her and she smacked me in the arm. I saw her cheeks slowly reddening.

"Could you go up to Amelia's room, she and Alex went upstairs like an hour ago." Scar told me.

"Yes ma'am." I said jokingly. I went up the stairs and knocked on Amelia's room. I heard Dodger barking and Amelia to come in.

"Need anything dad?" Amelia asked me.

"Yeah, your mom is finishing with breakfast if you two want to start heading down." I told them.

'Uh yeah, also, is there anything planned today?" Alex asked me.

"Not that I'm aware of. Why?" I told him.

"So we can watch our family videos." He told me.

"That sounds good with me. Now let's go eat." I told them. They were behind me teasing each other the whole way down. We sat down and Rose joined us. Scar soon came out with the food.

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