Chapter 27

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-Monday March 27-

*Scarlett's POV*

It was around 3 in the morning when I got this nightmare. It was a little girl who looked like Amelia saying I was a bad mother. And also saying look what happened to me, it's your fault. I jolted up and felt tears. Chris was knocked out and snoring. I tried so hard to not cry. I quietly got out and headed to Amelia's room. She looked so adorable. I walked to her and caressed her hair.

"Mom?" She groaned.

"Go to sleep." I told her. She sat up.

"Why are you crying? Did you watch a sad animated dog clip?" She asked me.

"No." I said and she gave me a hug. "I had a nightmare of a younger you saying that it's my fault for you having a miserable life." I told her.

"Mom we already spoke about this. I don't blame you or dad for how I grew up. I'm happy to be back. And yeah I might've gotten punished and treated bad. You couldn't do anything. It's somebody else's fault." She explained to me.

"Could I ask what's the worse thing they have done to you?" I asked her. "Was it the albóndigas?" I asked her and she laughed.

"No, I'm not going to say because you're going to feel bad." She answered me.

"I won't." I told her. She sighed and I held her hand.

"I was maybe 6 years old when they decided it be best to teach me a lesson by making me run with them in a car behind me, threatening me to run me over." She explained and tears started coming out. "See you're crying." She told me and I wiped them off. She hugged me and allowed me to cuddle her.

*Amelia's POV*

I woke up at 7 because of my phone ringing. 4 hours of sleep. I picked my phone up.

"Morning." I said before yawning.

"Morning Amelia, I have an update." Jacob's uncle told me. "Your siblings are going to be in a foster home and are getting picked up tomorrow. I just wanted to warn you that there's a family in Texas who wants to foster them." He told me.

"If it's going to help them, I'm not against it." I said softly. He explained me the situation with my father. He's going to court in 2 weeks. I thanked him and my mom woke up.

"Who called?" She asked me.

"Jacob's uncle. My siblings are going to foster and might be sent to Texas." I told her. We went down and spent the morning as a family. My uncle promised to bring my sisters for a sleepover. Jacob and Gio left around 12.

"Amelia, mom is going to let me play soccer in a club." Rose told me.

"That's wonderful." I told her. I've been spacing out since I got the news from my siblings.

"Uncle Chris, I'm finally going to play soccer." Rose told dad.

"That's great Rose, you excited?" He asked her.

"Yes I am. I can be like Amelia." She said making me laugh.

"Hey Rose, my sisters are coming today, what do you want to do?" I asked her.

"Are they older than me?" She asked.

"Nope, one is your age and the other one is 9." I told her.

"Yes we can play with dolls and have a tea party." Rose said. My sisters soon came and they came rushing to me. Mom prepared us a nice dinner. My sisters went to play with Rose.

"You ready?" Mom asked me. I gave her a hug.

"It's not easy for sure. I mean I've been with them since they were born. I saw their first steps. It's going to be hard definitely." I explained to her. Dad came and gave me a hug.

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