Chapter 22

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-Sunday March 19-

*Amelia's POV*

Yesterday I had a blast, everything went well. I woke up today at 6 and scrolled through my phone. Suddenly I heard a knock.

"Come in." I said and dad walked in.

"Get dressed, I'm taking you out for some coffee and bagel." He told me and closed the door. I went and grabbed some jeans and an old shirt. I quietly went down stairs and my dad was putting his shoes on. He got his NASA hat on and got his sunglasses.

"I'm ready." I told him.

"Let's go." He told me and held the door open. I got inside of his truck and waited for him.

"Where we going?" I asked him.

"Small restaurant. I think you may like it." He told me. We got there in like 10 minutes. It wasn't busy so no papparazis.

"So many bagel flavors." I said making dad chuckle. We ordered and sat down to eat.

"So...I know you wanted to go to Boston, but me and your mom thought it be best to go like a week after school ends. So in May still." He told me and I was kind of bummed out. "However, my family is coming to New York." He added.

"Really. When?" I asked.

"Next Wednesday." He told me. I'm looking forward to it. Me and dad decided to surprise mom with a dinner tomorrow. We soon left and went back to the house. Alex was playing with Rose while mom prepared some breakfast.

"Morning you two. Where were you this morning?" She asked us. I turned to dad.

"I thought you told her?" I asked him.

"Me? I'm too scared to ask." He responded. Dad went over to give mom a small kiss and that's when I left.

"Amelia, come play with us." Rose told me. Rose handed me a doll to play with.

"Breakfast is ready." Mom announced. Alex and Rose ran to get food, while I decided to text Jacob. It wasn't long until one of my cousins called me.

"Alejo, everything alright?" I asked.

"I came to take your siblings out, I walk in and your dad is passed out, there's a shit ton of beers. Amelia, your siblings can't keep living with him." He explained to me. I stood up and let everything sink in.

"Amelia, are you going to eat?" I heard mom ask me but I ignored her and went outside.

"Alejo, what the fuck do you want me to do. No one can take care of 4 kids. And we can't separate them. Where are they?" I asked him.

"In the hallway. Amelia, we have to think about." Alejo started speaking.

"Look I rather talk this in person. Stay there, I'm going." I told him. I hanged up and went inside.

"Alex grab your keys." I told him as I pulled him up.

"My breakfast." He whined.

"This is no time for jokes Alejandro.I have to see my siblings" I told him. He got his keys and we went to his car.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"Dad has been drinking and he's passed out. Alejo called saying my siblings can't live in these conditions." I told him. We got to my old apartment in 20 minutes.

"Amelia, your siblings are with a neighbor. Alex nice to see you." Alejo told us.

"Alejo been a long time." He responded. I opened the door and made the guys wait outside with the door open. I walked to the couch where my dad was. I quietly went and tried to wake him up.

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